Sunday, Sep 4, 2022

Wapack Fall Race

Windblown XC Ski Area

New Ipswich, NH 18 Miler

This Event Took Place Sun. Sep 4, 2022

About the event

The Wapack race course is 18.0 miles. The route is an out-and-back that follows the Wapack Trail between New Ipswich, NH and Ashburnham, MA. There are four major mountains in between: Barrett, New Ipswich, Pratt, and Watatic, from north to south. Total climb and total descent are each at least 3,000 feet (GPS watch says it's 5,300 feet) over the 18 miles. On a clear day, you can see for miles, including stunning views of Mt. Monadnock to the northwest, if you have the presence of mind. This is a very tough trail race. Please don’t attempt it unless you are in excellent shape. Because much of the trail is inaccessible by vehicles, medical aid could take a very long time. For this reason, there are cut-off times for the safety of runners. The Wapack is generally well marked by yellow triangles that you will need to follow using your own powers of observation.

Event's current local time: 6:48 AM ET

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