Saturday, Mar 11, 2023

The K's of Convenience

319 N. Rolff St.

Davenport, IA 50K, 25K

This Event Took Place Sat. Mar 11, 2023


Quad Cities Trail & Ultra Runners - (QC-TUR) invite you to the K's of Convenience urban ultra this March! Let us give you fair warning, this is not your typical road or ultra race. This is an urban exploration of the Quad Cities by foot. The event is very low key, grassroots with minimal hooplah. There are no mile markers, there are no police stopping traffic for you. While much thought has been put into the course, it is uncontrolled so the responsibility is on the runner to make safety his or her TOP priority.

The course will change in some way, shape or form each year. Loop distance and races offered could change from year to year as a result of this. To be clear, the entire course is ran on open roads and bike paths with the largest portion of it on city streets. Sidewalk is accessible for the vast majority of the course but runners need to be smart, careful and diligent in taking the safest route along each section of the course.


-The 50k will start at 8AM and the 25k at 10am - the cutoff for both distances is 4PM (8 hours for the 50k and 6 hours for the 25k).

-Packet pickup will be Saturday morning at the Schuetzen Park pavilion - 7:15AM for the 50k and anytime after that until 9:45AM for the 25k.

-Start/Finish is at the Jens Lorenzen Pavilion located right off Schuetzen Lane at the SW corner of the Good Samaritan Society property on Waverly Rd. Ample parking and bathroom facilities are available right next to the pavilion.

-There is one (1) aid station at the start/finish and multiple aid stations on the course. The on-course aid stations could be local convenience stores, grocers or other area businesses and runners are provided funds as part of their race registration to purchase something at each stop. The amount of funds provided depends on the distance registered for.

-There are no course markings but runners are provided a map and directions to each aid station along the course.

-All roads are open to traffic and proper caution should always be exercised when on or crossing any road.

-The exact course and aid station locations are provided to runners on race morning.

-All runners receive a nice piece of custom race swag, pre-paid aid at the conveniently located on course aid stations, hot food and cold drinks at the start/finish and any other goodies we can manage to wrangle up. 50k ultra finishers receive a special handmade finishers award. RD Ryan has created everything from lamps, clocks & shelving to paintings and abstract art. This year expect something new and hopefully just as cool! And as is the case with any QC-TUR event, trust us when we say, all effort is made to ensure the MAX value to the runner for their registration. All money goes into the event and any leftover money will be donated to Schuetzen Park, our host start/finish for the event this year. They are a privately owned, operated and maintained park that QC-TUR has built a wonderful and mutually beneficial relationship with over the last several years.


-Runners are required to make at least one purchase at each aid station and upon completion of that loop, provide time stamped receipts for each of the on course convenient store aid stations. DO NOT LOSE YOUR RECEIPTS! If you do, you will not receive credit for your loop and will be disqualified. Any remaining race provided aid funds will be added to the park donation!

-Our race is not directly affiliated with any of the store aid stations being used for the event. When you are in the store, you are like any other paying customer and should act accordingly in a polite and respectful manner while you shop, wait in line and purchase your goods.

-Runners are allowed to deviate from the set course if they feel an alternative is more effective just so long as NO private property is trespassed upon and safety is made a TOP priority. There will be a list of thoroughfares that are OFF LIMITS no matter what, that will be provided to runners. Runners must still stop at each aid station in the set order and provide receipts as proof.

-Runners are allowed to change distances up until Friday at noon the day before the race. After that point, you are committed to the distance race you start Saturday morning and if you do not complete your race, you will be listed as a DNF. Say no to DNF!

Friends/family are ONLY allowed at the start/finish. Runners are not allowed to receive aid on course from anyone/anywhere other than the designated aid stations.

***NO LITTERING*** Don't even think about it!

Noise cancelling headphones is strictly PROHIBITED.
Standard headphones are allowed during daytime hours but are STRONGLY discouraged.

1.) Map/Direction sheet - to be provided by the race.
2.) Cellphone - number to be provided to race organizers.
3.) Small Ziploc bag - We don't want sweat soaked illegible receipts.
1.) Bright and/or reflective clothes for safety purposes and to you know, look good.
2.) Extra cash for any additional food/drink purchases.
3.) Some sort of hydration system, whether it be a hand bottle or a vest/pack.


The deadline to register to guarantee the correct swag size is February 1st and if you register for 50k after March 1st, we also can't guarantee that we'll have a finisher award available for you on race day but will get one to you ASAP post-race. If you register and then later decide to switch distances, you are able to switch down at no additional charge and if you want to switch up, you only need to pay the difference in registration.
No paper registration form. Online registration only.
Event will go on rain or shine and only in the case of extreme inclement weather may a postponement or cancellation be considered.


Last year, we hit our initial capacity in less than 2 hours. Once we fill up, a waitlist will be maintained and runners will be added to the event as spots become available in the order they joined the wait list. If you do not get signed up on time, please do not despair! Instead, register like normal via ultrasignup to be added to the waitlist. When a spot opens up, waitlisters will be notified via email of their selection and will have three (3) days to either accept or decline the invitation. Three weeks out from race day, that window of time shortens to 24 hours. When that time is up, the invitation will be passed to the next person on the wait list. Please note that you are charged and your registration finalized ONLY if you accept the waitlist invitation.

If you are unable to participate after having registered, please let us know ASAP via e-mail (green 'Ask a Question?' box at the top right) or Facebook to defer your entry and to open up spots for those on the wait list.
If you choose to defer your entry, you will receive a 100% rollover credit for the amount paid to use for the following year's race. Please note, the deferral is good for ONE year only and ONLY applies to your race registration fee. The deadline for the deferral option is Friday, February 14th, no exceptions! All deferrals will be notified of early registration opening up (early December) via the email address used to register this year. Deferrals will have the week of early registration to redeem their rollover credit which will expire when general registration opens on Saturday of that week. There will be no morning of registration.

This is a small grassroots event with high fixed costs. We cannot guarantee any sort of refund to registrants unable to participate or due to the event being cancelled. Please only register if this is acceptable. We hope you understand and still register early to help us put on the best event possible!

Event's current local time: 9:08 PM CT


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