Saturday, Sep 7, 2024 @ 8:00 AM
This Event Took Place Sat. Sep 7, 2024

New Green Location

The Green Mile Loop Challenge will take place at its newest location! We will once again run a combination of yellow, blue, and white blazes from Deer Browse 2 Pavilion. But…in reverse…that’s right we are running last year’s loop counter clockwise! This pavilion is located near the North Park Swimming Pool parking lot and across from Harmar Shelter.

Loop Profile
Distance ~ 2 miles
Elevation ~ 300 feet per loop
Mostly single track. The course is fully shaded!

Registration Limit

North Park Trail Runners members can register on July 10th. If you are not a member, please wait until July 11th. This event is free and we offer early registration as a benefit to our members. Thank you.

This event has a capacity of 100 runners! Once it is full, there is a waitlist option! We ask that you notify us if you need to cancel your registration. Runners must be 18 years of age or older to participate in this event.

The Green Mile

6 hours! 1 Loop! The Green Mile loop challenge is designed for runners of all levels and speeds. How may loops can you run? How many do you want to run?

Join us for the loops and delicious lunch provided after. We also have the return of our raffle. Generous donations are coming your way from local run shops, restaurants, race companies and more. Earn a raffle ticket for every loop you complete. This is going to be good!

Parameters of the Event

Within the allotted time, how may loops of the "green mile" can you run? One loop or 20? It's all good. Awards for high -volume loopers! Raffle tickets awarded for each loop completed. The event kicks off at 8:00 am and goes until 2:00pm. Come for the full six hours or join us for just a few loops. It's up to you!

Some Rules

1. Individuals are eligible to win one raffle prize. No repeat winners on the raffles.
2. Race clock will be utilized. Participants will be required to note their "check out time" on the tracker board. In the event of a tie for top looper, completion time will count. Fastest looper wins.
3. Award goes to the top female participant and the top male participant.
4. High-volume loopers are granted bragging rights and sense of accomplishment and your own personal Greenish prize.

Event's current local time: 7:47 AM ET


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