Saturday, Aug 11, 2012

Try All By Fire

Renova, PA TRYBE (tribe)

This Event Took Place Sat. Aug 11, 2012


Try All By Fire 2012 Is Not A Race

It is a journey. It is a quest. It is a calling to people seeking a little bit of adventure. Or a lot. That is what makes this event so unique; the path is entirely up to you.

Through the scenic countryside of Pennsylvania, where winding trails and rushing waters abound, there lies a meeting place; a Finish Line, if you will, where endurance athletes from all over will converge for a special celebration. A Trybal ceremony for people who heed the call. The call to abolish boundaries, to forge a path of personal fortitude, to push past fatigue and former limits, to find out what lies within, way down deep in the center of our guts. We’ll be there to greet you at the end, perhaps a slightly different you than who embarked at the beginning. (Event Date: August 11, 2012)

Event's current local time: 1:44 AM ET


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