About Run4Water
About Run4Water
Run4Water is a nonprofit organization that strives to raise awareness and provide solutions for the worldwide water crisis through running and running events.
This event is designed to give runners the best chance to qualify for a USA 24 hour, or 100k national team, and/or runners to hit personal goals.
We have put together a smooth, blacktop, flat course with no sharp turns. It is optimal for big miles and fast times! We believe this is one of the best loop courses in the country for records and PRs.
PLEASE NOTE: We have set up the event so anyone can run, as Elites have their own certified lane, and everyone else has a separate certified lane.
Elite Status qualifications
"Elite" status qualifications:
Team USA Member one of the previous 3 World Championships
100 mile time in the Top 50 for 2017 (16:28 or better)
24 hr - 120 miles or better
12 hr - 75 miles or better
<100k elite status, sub 8:30 100k
Member of Team USA in one of the previous 3 World Championships
100 mile time of sub 18:00 in 2017
24 hr - 100 miles or more
12 hr - 70 miles or more
100k elite status sub 9:30 100k
Elite runners will run in an 12' wide designated lane in order to allow for easier maneuverability
If you do not meet the above requirements, yet you would like to run in the inner lane, contact Greg Armstrong, as special consideration may be given.
Please contact event RD Greg Armstrong at garmstrong@run4water.net , or race day director Steve Durbin durb417@gmail.com with any questions.
SWORD is the Official Hydration Drink
SWORD hydration drink will be available for all athletes during the run.
SWORD is quickly becoming the hydration drink of choice by many top athletes.
If you haven't tried it yet, you can order from www.drinksword.com Use code DURB18 and save 20% on your order.
USATF Certified and Sanctioned Course Details
The course is divided into two separate 12' lanes.
Elite runners (as described above) will run in the inner lane, a USATF certified (TN17001BW) 818,3369 meters; or 0.50849 miles.
All other runners will run in opposite direction, in the outer lane, a USATF certified (TN18001BW) 839.4622 meter; or .521 miles
This means runners in the outer lane will receive the correct mileage, and not have to lose mileage on every lap due to running out wider than the inner curb.
There are no sharp turn, no u-turns, and very little elevation change.
These separate lanes will allow runners of all abilities to participate without the worry of either having to continually run around "slower" runners, or the worry of "having to get out of the way" of faster runners.
Regardless of which lane you run in, please, no running two abreast.
Runners will be able to set up tents or personal aid in designated areas along the course. We plan to change directions on the course every 6 hours..
EVERYONE is invited to participate. All proceeds go to a very worthy cause.
Aid Station/Bathrooms
The aid station will reflect the needs of participating athletes. We will consult early registered participants to determine aid station needs.
Indoor bathrooms are located within 25m of the course.
Our plan is to have portable bathrooms on the opposite side of the indoor bathrooms within feet of the course.
We are adding a warming station this year.
Timing provided by Brandon Wilson of UltraTiming Professionals
The race will be chipped timed with monitors for race day splits. Brandon Wilson, a USATF Official, and Class A course certifier, will be timing the event. His team is the best in the country at attention to detail, affording runners the best opportunity to reach goals. You can run with confidence knowing that all results will be correct.
Live Timing Updates will be available every time a runner crosses the timing mat.
World Record? If you are serious about your chances of setting a new World Record, you should notify Race Directors immediately. Special set up, and follow up are required to ratify a World Record.
An award of $1500 (this could go up) will be given to any Male or Female that establishes a new World Record in the 100 mile, or 24 hour event.
Awards will be given to the overall male and female winner of each event.
Any female reaching 140 miles will receive race entry back.
Any male reaching 150 miles will receive race entry back.
Ultimately, we hope the award will be you reaching your PR, and feeling good about helping out with a great cause.
USATF Rules are in Effect
Each competitor who is running a spot on the U.S. team, or a World, National, or Age Group record should be familiar with USATF rules.
Most important: 1). NO AID can be taken outside of the designated Aid Station area. This area will have ample space, and be well defined.
2). No outside pacing of any kind is allowed!
a) this makes an athlete ineligible for any records, or for qualifying for the US team
b) Even if you are not going for a record or the team the course needs to be clear for competitors.
Local Accommodations
The race site is 20 minutes from Nashville International airport and minutes away from hotels, restaurants, and supplies.
Event's current local time: 2:00 AM CT