28 Races
4 Trophies
HURT 100 - HURT 100 Miler - Honolulu, HI
Chimera 100M/K and Old Goat Races - 100 Miler - Cleveland National Forest, CA
Equinox - Marathon - Fairbanks, AK
Mount Marathon Race - 3.5 Miles - Seward, AK
Frosty Bottom 50/25 - 50 Miler - Anchorage, AK
Mount Marathon Race - 3.5 Miles - Seward, AK
Mount Marathon Race - 3.5 Miler - Seward, AK
Mount Marathon Race - 3.5 Miles - Seward, AK
Chimera 100M/K and Old Goat Races - 100 Miler - Cleveland National Forest, CA
Mount Marathon Race - 3.5 Miler - Seward, AK