Event Store
Saturday, Jun 1, 2024 @ 7:00 AM

Hotfoot Hamster

Buckeye, AZ 24hrs, 12hrs, 6hrs

Tent Rentals
Tent Rental - $65
Tent + 1 Cot Rental - $85
Tent + 2 Cots Rental - $105
We are pleased to offer tent rentals. All tents at 12 feet by 9 feet and will be setup upon arrival with your desired number of cots included.
UltrAspire Reusable Cup
UltrAspire Cup - $8
The 7oz. UltrAspire Cup greatly reduces the amount of waste generation and environmental impact of a paper cup. Made of 100% Silicone. Responsible, portable, collapsible, re-usable, heat tolerant, clean and kind to the earth sends a message that you are aware and you care. This is the C2 Cup.