January 9 - 13, 2024

Fierce Dragon (H9)

Vogel State Park

Blairsville, GA 200 Miler, 100 Miler, 100K, 40 Miler, 40K

This Event Took Place Sat. Jan 13, 2024

New 2025

New New! The 25 km Coosa Challenge has been added as a race activity. This has been discussed before, but the RD did not have award metals until now. Twelve pieces were ordered so there are 12 sign-up opportunities. This activity involves running out to the Fire Pit and then turning around to come back. Super easy and super quick (4'ish hours), and you get an chance to experience both sides of the Coosa Mtn.
The Plus Option for the 40 miler has changed. The 100k metal can be paired with a 40M+ version that joins to form a 100M plate. If you have run the 40 miler and then also run the 100k, you can upgrade to a Plus verions that will then join the 2 pieces into one. That version of the metal is a bit more expensive. I had previously listed this as a sign-up option but that is too confusing so instead now you will need to lay down $20 cash and I will swap your metal. This is for those who aspire to 100 FD miles but don't want the pain all at once.
Previous iterations had offered opportunities for sleeping/napping areas. This option is no longer offered. There was too little demand for this space and as a practical matter a fixed facility is needed to offer a warm enough environment for sleeping. We have been slowly improving our sheltering and heating equipment so a warming tent may be an option in the future, but at this point our main focus is ensuring the volunteers are warm and dry.

Fierce Dragon Overview

The Fierce Dragon (FD) is an H9/HAE event comprised of five races, a 200 mile race designated as the 'Full Fury' (4th annual), a 100 mile race designated as 'Firestarter' (3rd annual), a 100 km race designated as "Frozen Toe", a 40 mile race designated as a 'Flintstrike' (2nd annual), and a new 40 km race designated as ‘Frost Talon’. The races start on different days (Tuesday for the 200M, Friday for the 100M and 100k, and Saturday for the 40M and 40k), but all racing ends on Sunday morning.

Race Descriptions

The FD Full Fury 200 involves 10 traverses of the main ridge line of the Duncan Ridge for the equivalent of 5 laps between Vogel State Park and Skeenah Gap. The outbound traverse goes over the Wolf Creek river crossing. The inbound traverse uses FS Roads 108/107 to reach Burnett Gap (Hwy 180). Only full laps, Vogel-to-Skeenah-to-Vogel, will be counted. The race has no entry requirements because the course is fairly well contained and if the runner can no longer continue under their own power, then he/she will be shuttled back to Vogel to turn in their bib. The course is always well marked, so for the navigationally challenged most of your worries should be minimized. 200M runners are encouraged to use the cottages at Vogel as their base of operations. Campsites are available to park RVs very close to the start/finish area.

The FD Firestarter 100 is a 100 mile race that takes place on the last 2 days of the 200M race. This race starts on Friday morning (6am) and ends on Sunday morning (8am) giving 50 hours to complete 100 miles. The course involves 4x full traverses of the Duncan Ridge (2 laps) and 2x half traverses of the Duncan Ridge (Vogel to Bryant Gap and back). This event does not have a daily progress minimum, instead there are cutoff times at the 1.5 lap point, at the completion of 2 laps, a 90 mile cutoff at Bryant Gap, and hard cutoff of 50 hours at the start/finish line. The 100M race allows for extra time for older runners as is described below. The other race distances already have sufficient time built into their time schedule, so this distance (100M) is the only one offering this option.

The FD Frozen Toe 100k is a 100 km race that takes place on the last 2 days of the 200M race. This race starts on Friday morning (8am) and ends on Saturday afternoon (4pm) giving 32 hours to complete 100 km The course involves 2x full traverses of the Duncan Ridge (1 laps) and 2x half traverses of the Duncan Ridge (Vogel to Bryant Gap and back). This event does not have a daily progress minimum, instead there are cutoff times at the .05 lap point (+11:00), at the completion of 1 lap (+22:00), a 52 mile cutoff at Bryant Gap, and hard cutoff of 32 hours at the start/finish line.

The FD Flintstrike 40 is a 40 mile race that takes place on the last day of the 200M race. This race starts on Saturday morning (8am) and ends on Sunday morning (8am) giving 24 hours to complete 40 miles. This course involves 2x full traverses of the Duncan Ridge (1 lap). If the 200M and 100M races are too big for you, then this is the race to choose to get a taste of the Fierce Dragon.

The FD Frost Talon 40k is a 40 km race that takes place on the last day of the 200M race. This race starts on Saturday morning (8:30am) and ends on Saturday evening (9pm) giving 12.5 hours to complete 40 kilometers. This course involves an out-and-back to Mulky Gap starting at the Group Shelter next to the lake, and finishing at the Group Shelter. If you have concerns about traversing the Dragon Spine in the deep of the night, then this is the race may scratch you without threatening to draw real blood.

Minimum Progress


Runners are required to do a minimum of 1 lap per 24 hours (40 miles per day). Failure to complete the minimum distance ends the runner's race at the last full lap. The 24 hour cutoff time per day is a practical limitation in a runner’s race progress; however, if a runner is a half a mile from the end of a lap to complete the minimum, then this is close enough to count. The final cutoff of 120 hours to complete the 200 miles will be strictly enforced.


There is no minimum progress for the 100 miler; however, cutoffs are applied at the final four aid stops (and for the final course completion time).


Minimum progress is set by the cutoff at Skeenah Gap


Minimum progress is set by the cutoff at Mulky Gap (3:30pm)

Start Info


The race takes place over most of a week. Check-in for the event is Monday evening 4 to 8pm. The event will start on Tuesday at 8am. The event will finish on Sunday at 8am (120 hours). Race signs will mark the start area at the Group Shelter on the entrance road. Everyone must check-in before 8pm at the Group Shelter. Period. No exceptions.


The race takes place over the end weekend of FD. Check-in for the event is Thursday evening 4 to 8pm. The event will start on Friday at 6am. The event will finish on Sunday at 10am (52 hours). Race signs will mark the start area at the Group Shelter on the entrance road. Everyone must check-in before 5:45am at the Group Shelter. Period. No exceptions.

56 and older? See the early start options


The race takes place over the end weekend of FD. Check-in for the event is Thursday evening 4 to 8pm. The event will start on Friday at 8am. The event will finish on Saturday at 3pm. Race signs will mark the start area at the Group Shelter on the entrance road. Everyone must check-in before the race at 7:45am at the Group Shelter. Period. No exceptions.

No early start option. Everyone will be done within 22 hours.


The race takes place on the last day of FD. Check-in for the event is Friday evening 4 to 8pm. The event will start on Saturday at 8:00am. The event will finish on Sunday at 6:00am. Race signs will mark the start area at the Group Shelter on the entrance road. Everyone must check-in before the race at 7:45am at the Group Shelter. Period. No exceptions.

No early start option. Everyone will be done within 22 hours.


The race takes place on the last day of FD. Check-in for the event is Friday evening 4 to 8pm. The event will start on Saturday at 8:00am. The event will finish on Saturday evening at 8:30pm. Race signs will mark the start area at the Group Shelter on the entrance road. Everyone must check-in before the race at 7:45am at the Group Shelter. Period. No exceptions.

Support Points

The support locations are Vogel State Park, Fire Pit, (A Dragon Locker), Mulky Gap and Skeenah Gap. Support at Vogel will be at the main shelter that will have hot food and drinks. Support at the Fire Pit, Mulky Gap and Skeenah Gap will be provided by hardy volunteers who like seeing people suffer. If the gate to Fish Gap is open, then a Dragon Locker will be placed at Fish Gap to hold water and small snacks (this was locked in 2021 and 2022). Runners really should not have need for support at this point, but knowing that this is available is emotionally helpful.


Participants are allow to use crew. Crew vehicles are limited to one vehicle per runner to limit congestion on the Forest Service roads. Crew are allow to meet their runners at Vogel State Park, Bryant Gap, Mulky Gap, and Skeenah Gap. Crew vehicles traveling to Vogel or Skeenah Gap do not require placards indicating a crew vehicle. However, crews intending to travel to Bryant Gap or Mulky Gap must obtain a crew placard. Crew vehicles will be inspected to verify adequacy in terms of ground clearance and size. Large crew vehicles (RVs, dual wheeled trucks) will restricted because the road is narrow; and rough and steep in places.

Parking at Vogel State Park

Parking at the Georgia State Parks is $5 per day, or you can purchase an annual pass.

Event's current local time: 12:36 AM ET


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