The Lynchburg Ultra Series is a classic four-race series comprised of some of the most well-loved ultra/trail races in the Central Virginia region. The four races are Holiday Lake 50k+, Terrapin Mountain 50k+, Promise Land 50k+, and Mountain Masochist 50-miler.
Runners who complete all four races (within time limits) will receive a special award from Rabbit apparel.
Holiday Lake 50k+: Appomattox, VA: February 15, 2025. Link to page: https://enduranceeventsva.com
Terrapin Mountain 50k+: Sedalia, VA: March 22, 2025. Link to page: https://www.windingwayrunco.com/terrapinmountain/
Promise Land 50k+: Bedford, VA: April 26, 2025. Link to page: https://extremeultrarunning.com/#
Mountain Masochist Trail Run 50 Miler: Montebello, VA: November 1, 2025. Link to page: https://runmmtr.com
***Registration to LUS does NOT include registration to each race in the series. Registration to each event is still required.***
2025 BRTS
Started in 2024!
Following in the footsteps of the Lynchburg Ultra Series, Blue Ridge Trail Series (BRTS) consists of the same four events but with a new twist. BRTS is designed as the perfect training ramp-up for anyone looking to tackle their first mountain 50k. With the Blue Ridge Mountains serving as a backdrop for all four courses, the series starts with Holiday Lake 25k in February, Terrapin Half-Marathon in March, Promise Land 50k in April, and ends with MMTR 50k in November.
BRTS and LUS races have deep roots in the local running community in Central VA. Dating back to the first running of MMTR in 1983, thousands of runners come to love and respect the trails connecting each course.
Registration for BRTS does NOT include entry into each race of the series. Runners must sign up for each event separately.
Event's current local time: 12:22 PM ET