June 12 - 22, 2025

The Last Annual Heart of the South Road Race

Castle Rock Ranch

Bryant, GA 343 or 400 Miles, Finisher Jacket

Registration closes: Wed, Jun 11 @ 11:59PM CT

The last annual Heart of the South Road Race (351 miles)

The HOTS is an adventure for only the most daring. The runners will assemble on Wednesday morning, park their vehicles in a cornfield atop Sand Mountain in North Georgia, and board tour buses. The only thing they will know about their destination is that it will be between 300 and 350 miles away. Once they arrive, they will be able to access maps of the course they will take to get them back to their vehicles. After an overnight stay in a hotel, the field will be bused to the start the following morning. From there, with only the supplies they can carry or obtain along the way, they have 10 days to get back. Twice daily tracking will be maintained, and runners wishing to drop will be transported back to their vehicles. Finishers will be shuttled with their vehicles to motels near the finish for a safe sleep before getting behind the wheel.
There is no greater freedom, than being totally alone on the open road, relying only on your wits, your skill, and your physical ability to cover ground in order to reach the finish line. Come experience it for yourself.

Important Dates

Bus Ride: June 11, 2025
Race Start Date: June 12, 2025
10 day cutoff


Refunds; 90% refunds are available until December 24. Refunds will be available after that time, dependent on the ability to replace the withdrawing entrant from the wait list. Refunds will be made on a declining scale: January thru February 80% refund; March and April 70% refund; May 50% refund.
Wait List; A wait list will be maintained after the race has filled... Withdrawals replaced from the wait list will receive a refund at the rate listed above.
Unaided (screwed) runners will park their vehicles at the parking area at Castle Rock Ranch and ride tour buses backwards on the course to the start, where they will be lodged in double occupancy Motel rooms overnight, and then provided bus transportation to the start..
Check-Ins: All entrants are required to report their location by phone at 0730 and 1930 each day. Runners planning to be on break at check-in time may report early..... Failure to check in will result in a search for your body.
Dropping Out: Runners may choose to drop from the race at any time, by simply calling in and requesting a ride to the car park. Transportation will be furnished at the earliest feasible time.

Event's current local time: 7:49 AM CT


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