Saturday, Dec 7, 2013
This Event Took Place Sat. Dec 7, 2013


>This is a FREE Race. We are not charging anyone to participate You can also signup on race day. There will be a 6 hour time limit and we will stop anyone from running another loop after 11:00am. You can start anytime after 6am to run and be a part of the race and awards. We will have a pre-race meeting at 5:45am and start at 6am.The course will be marked the night before and we will go over that at the meeting as well. We will provide water,an electrolyte drink and some nutrition at each of the 2 aid stations. This is a cup less race so you will need to provide a container to hold beverages as you run.

The Ho Chi Minh Trails are not closed for public use. We are using the park and will still use the right away system at all times and announce other runners, bikers etc.

Event's current local time: 6:16 PM CT


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