Sunday, Dec 6, 2020

Frenzy Hills Rides

Fountain Hills, AZ

This Event Took Place Sun. Dec 6, 2020

Event Approved!

Frenzy Hills Rides is approved and now open for registration!

Come Ride With Us!

Test your endurance on a 25 mile loop rolling through McDowell Mountain Regional Park. Whether you tackle the full 100 mile solo, one of our relay events, or just get the gears rolling with the 10 miler, we want to get you out on the trails to ride with us! Utilizing some of the local favorites, the loop will ride portions of Escondido, Pemberton, and the Long Loop trails. Welcome the cooler weather and race through the gorgeous Sonoran desert landscape, with some of the valley's more iconic peaks in the background. We aim to have the right distance for anyone, so find the ride that suits you best, and saddle up for a great time in the desert!

Course Summary

The Frenzy Hills takes some of the local favorite trails and connects them into a 25 mile loop through McDowell Mountain Regional Park. 100 mile riders will get to know the loop well with 4 complete circuits of the route.

The loop is comprised of the entire Pemberton Trail which features a mix of wider rolling desert terrain, some more narrow and rocky single track and a short section of sandy wash, as well as portions of Escondido and Long Loop trails.

Riders will experience a variety of conditions and challenges while looping through the desert. We hope you'll come out and embrace the challenge with us, whether at 10 miles, 100 miles, or a relay, we'd love to have you ride with us!

Aid Stations

In addition to a fully stocked drink and feed station at the start/finish line at the Competitive Track Staging Area, there will be one water and electrolyte remote aid station located along the Pemberton Trail at the iconic Jackass Trail Ramada, with Boner the skeleton watching over all the riders. Our main aid station will be stocked with water, ice, electrolyte drinks, salty and sweet snacks, fruit, pb&j, bean rollups, hot food (quesadillas, grilled cheese), and more.


In order for your final loop to count you must cross the finish line before your 3 or 6 hour time limit expires. We will have a final loop cutoff where you can head out on your loop no later than a certain time:
10:10 PM - 3 Hour Solo Final Loop Cutoff
10:40 PM - 3 Hour Race Ends
1:00 AM - 6 Hour Duo Final Loop Cutoff
1:05 AM - 6 Hour Solo Final Loop Cutoff
1:30 AM - 6 Hour Duo Race Ends
1:35 AM - 6 Hour Solo Race Ends

Relay Teams

2 person, 3 person and 4 person relay participants are comprised of two to four riders on a single team who complete laps one at a time for their team. You decide who rides which laps and how many. Riders may elect to ride more than one loop in a row, but switching between riders may be done only in the transition zone at the start/finish area.

Frenzy Weekend!

Enjoy trail running just as much as mountain biking or looking for something new to try? Join us for the McDowell Mountain Frenzy/Mayhem Trail Runs the day or night before your ride. Over 300 trail runners will take to the trail Saturday December 7th for a 5 mile, 10 mile, 25K, 50K, and 50 mile trail run through McDowell Mountain Regional Park.

Participate in both the ride and run in the same weekend and earn a unique award.

Event's current local time: 8:33 AM MT


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