Sunday, Jan 31, 2021

Naked Nick

1420 Palisades Drive

Leesport, PA 50K, 25K

This Event Took Place Sun. Jan 31, 2021

Start - Finish

approx address: 1420 Palisades Drive, Leesport, PA 19533
There are numerous entries to the park along Palisades Drive, we start the race at the Day Use Area (look for Day use park sign)

Entry Fee

$35 for the 25KM - $39 after 11/18
$39 for the 50KM - $45 after 11/18

We will offer day of registration on location available from 6:45AM to 7:45AM. $45/$50, cash only please

Please arrive 45 min before start to allow ample time for parking and the use of porta potties


Till 11/15:
Mail us a stamped self-addressed envelope to receive a refund minus $5 to:
UES, c/o NakedNK, 2137 Old Lancaster Pike, Reinholds, PA 17569
after 11/15:
all entries are final (RD allows bib transfers up to 1 week prior, must email RD to approve and finalize bib transfer.

No refunds if event gets cancelled or postponed due to weather, acts of god or restrictions put in place by the government.
Runners can either run on the new date or get rolled over into the following year.


Runners will receive a little German style finisher memento (tbd)
Top 3 overall and Top 3 age group 39&under, 40-49, 50-59 & 60 plus

Time Limit

All runners have to finish before 5PM, which makes the 25KM very hiker friendly


The average temp at the start is in the 30ies. Average high is 43. This race will take place even if there is snow on the trails (unless there are unusual circumstances and the snow is too deep to run)


Old fashion tear-off bib timing. Keep your bib visible on font at all times. You have to finish the distance you signed up for , you can not drop to a shorter distance during the race.

Aid Stations

Aid Station are located at:

Trail runners usually carry a bottle to keep hydrated between aidstations. Gatorade and water will be available at all the aidstation. There will be the usual snacks and carbs to keep you fueled at the race (bring your own gels, if you rely on them).


Along the trails of Blue Marsh Lake. This course will be on the south side of the lake (opposite of the Naked Bavarian and Naked Prussian, totally different course).Basic course is a lollipop. 5.5 Miles out, 4.5 Mile loop and 5.5 Miles back. 50K runners do it twice ( access to your drop bag at mile 15.5)

Mix of single track trail 80% and gravel gravel roads 20%.
The trails are not considered difficult by trail running standards, are very run able but there will be the occasional rock or root. However this time a year the trails might either be snow covered, icy or muddy which will increase difficulty quite a bit.


25 KM approx 1500ft
50 K approx. 3000ft

Post Race Party

We will hand out the awards as runners cross the finish line. Post race food provided by a chef and a pastry chef.

Event's current local time: 7:31 AM ET


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