Run 50 miles on the trails that gave birth to the Central Intelligence Agency
Prior to World War II, the United States created the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which served as the United States’ first clandestine intelligence gathering agency, and the predecessor of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Prince William Forest was used as a primary location for training OSS spies for infiltrating enemy territory in the Asian and European theatres during World War II.
Roads and trails pay tribute in name to the park's history as the United States' first training center for spies. Additionally, the cabins provided in certain areas of the park for camping, are the original cabins utilized by the "nameless" soldiers as they learned to ply their trade as a spy.
Race and Course Information
The OSS/CIA 50 miler is (as its name suggests) a 50 mile event. The course is a 25+ mile loop run primarily on single track, with some fire road, and several bridge and road (NPS road) crossings.
The 25+ mile loop is run twice to give you 50+ miles. Starting in 2023, we will incorporate a night marathon into the fray. It will start at 11:55p.m.. This will give athletes 8 hours and 35 minutes to complete the one loop event. All cut-offs in place for 50 mile will be incorporated into the night marathon.
Aid Stations
Two fully-stocked main aid stations at the start/finish (Telegraph road pavilion), and the half-way point for each loop (Oak Ridge Camp Ground). There will be two additional "mini-aid" stations with a smaller selection of food, and water and Tailwind located where South Valley Trail intersects Scenic Drive, and where Burma Road intersects Scenic Drive.
Crews will only be allowed at the Telegraph Road Pavilion Start/Finish line. The National Park Service has asked that we not allow crew to move around the park after settling in for the race/evening, for safety reasons. All crews and pacers must be in the Park and at Telegraph Road pavilion before night fall. This is a trial event with us and the Park, folks who do not comply jeopardize our compliance with the Permit and could destroy our chances to host future events. Pacers will be allowed for all runners beginning at the second loop from Telegraph Road Pavilion.
General information about the Park
The Prince William Forest Park established in 1936 has 37 miles of trails on it's 15,000+ acres, and is the largest protected natural area in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan region.
Event's current local time: 10:50 AM ET