The details!
Hello goat fans!
Welcome to the SEVENTH annual Run With The Goats 50K!
The rules are as follows: There are three divisions, "Beers", “Lights”, and "Sobers". Runners in the Beers and Lights category must have a ride home arranged for them. When the race starts at 9:00 AM the “beers” must drink a 16 oz. beer and then complete a 4.5-mile trail run (the “Lights” must drink a 12 oz. beer). After the first 4.5 miles you have the option of either having another beer and continuing on for another 4.5 miles, or dropping out.
Only those entrants that complete all 7 laps (and drink 1 beer before each lap) for a total of 31 miles and 7 beers will be granted an official "finish". All others will receive a "DNF" (did not finish).
The “sobers” follow the same rules but they shall drink 12 oz. of a fizzy non-alcoholic beverage of their choice before each lap. Why? Because belching while running is funny. There are some that maintain that the “sobers” have it rougher than the beer drinkers (sober runners supply their own fizzy drinks).
“Light” entrants will be tracked separately from the “beers” and “sobers”, so we have 3 separate finishing categories.
Unlike most races DNF's are encouraged! Don't feel bad about dropping out in this race, just hang around and enjoy some food, drink and friendship, and heckle those that are silly enough to press on!
We will have a potluck again, so plan on bringing something to share with the other runners. A spreadsheet will be shared as the race approaches so that we can all see what others are brining.
The race is being held entirely on the single track trails located in Reata Canyon. There is an easement over the trails so we are allowed to use them, but please remember to be respectful as the trails are located entirely on private property. Be unfailingly nice to the property owners should you meet one. Other people and/or their horses may be using the trails that day too. Please be nice and warn other hikers and their horses if you are running up behind them. Horses do NOT like to be surprised.
This is not an “easy” route either. The full 50K distance has 4,280’ of climbing! (that’s over 600’ per lap).
2025 rules
Once we hit 50 entrants registration will close and the waitlist will open. As always, thank you for choosing our local, home-grown race. This race is 100% volunteer and is a true labor of love. Having you join us means a lot.
Stay healthy and keep training!
Jason and Joel
More Important stuff, keep reading!
Since the whole race is on single track trails and we are expecting 50 runners, stay to the right when you meet a fellow runner head on, and also pass on the left after announcing "on your left". Proper trail etiquette will earn you bonus points! Granted these points are completely worthless, but it’s nice to have them.
The start/finish is located on private property (AKA “Joel’s house”). That's where the beer and party will be. Joel and his lovely wife have graciously and foolishly allowed us to use their front & back yard for our start/finish and beer drinking needs. Please be respectful, be clean, and offer to help clean up the mess afterwards!
We will have porta-potties at the start and a fire pit too.
If the weather is nasty we will set up a wall tent with a fire pit inside it. If you have a wall tent feel free to bring it too. The more warmth we have the longer runners will stick around.
Yes, Joel does have two lovely goats that live in his backyard and if everyone follows the rules he will let them out for a while to visit with all of us. However, given that they are herd animals they can’t participate in the race itself. That many strange people going that many directions will confuse and upset them (they’re used to having these trails to themselves).
All entrants will receive a custom pint glass!
All "beer" and "light" entrants shall have a designated driver, an Uber, or carpool with a "sober" entrant. Don’t be dumb. Dumb people will not be allowed to participate in future Nomad events.
The price for "beer" and "light" entrants includes all beer and a custom pint glass. “Sobers” will also get a pint glass to keep but need to bring their own fizzy non-alcoholic beverages.
Remember, the race is capped at 50 entrants so don’t dilly dally! (waitlisters will be invited as spots open up. The waitlist is first come, first serve)
Happy runnin!! Jason and Joel
Event's current local time: 2:13 AM PT