Saturday, Sep 1, 2012
This Event Took Place Sat. Sep 1, 2012

2018, New Title, New Director, Same Race

PCT: Bunker to Bonneville is now Three Corner Rock PCT 50K, and it has a new Director, the fabulous Syd Long! It will basically be the same race so you can come back to this page for old times and pictures. Keep in mind that the course has changed slightly over the years so there can't really be any course records. Syd will be and effective, and organized race director. Columbia Gorge Running Club couldn't be more pleased! For registration go to:

Entrant Limit

Limit 100 entrants

Race Description

PCT: Bunker to Bonneville is a demanding and incredibly scenic course.  This point to point race starts at Whistle Punk Trailhead on the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, proceed south on the Pacific Crest Trail through NW old growth, over creeks and waterfalls, through fields of huckleberries, to °360 vista of the Cascade Mountain range, to end in the City of North Bonneville and the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area.  The first 20 miles or so of the course are soft forest floor trail.  The last 10 or so miles are rocky and rooty till the last mile of road to the City of North Bonneville's Park.   

This race is in a fairly remote area.  Please take time to look at the website and the course maps and assess your ability before entering. $75

Event's current local time: 5:39 PM PT


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