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Saturday, Sep 14, 2013

Killa's Backyard Spankin'

Douglasville, GA Unlimited Distance

This Event Took Place Sat. Sep 14, 2013


Can the slow and steady put a spanking on the quick and done? Or will the speedy boys and girls cool off with a lemonaide in the shade waiting on the sweaty and tired slowpokes? Killa'a Backyard Spankin' is a last man/woman standing race. It is a course of a little over 3
miles that must be completed once per hour. You are still in the race when you toe the line at the top of the hour. There will be a cash prize for the last man and woman standing, and the overall last person standing.


The course is a 3+ mile loop in the Tributary neighborhood in Douglasville (south of Sweetwater State Park). The course is mostly on relatively non-technical trails. The start and finish is on a paved road section. The start of the course uses a wide paved road to allow runners to sort themselves out before the turns and trails on the main course. There is a minor amount of elevation change each loop, but all up-hills are runnable ("initially"). There will be one main aid station with plenty of food and drink; a few gels, but mostly real food. We may put another water station on the course if people sweat too much. Please limit your sweating so we don't have to haul water to far off places.


Pacers are allowed, but you have to buy them in. A pacer should help you run the course and give you a better chance of being that last man/woman standing; therefore it seems fair that the pacer contribute to the kitty.

Event's current local time: 9:03 AM ET
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