Sunday, Apr 19, 2015
This Event Took Place Sun. Apr 19, 2015


ALL INFO FOR THIS RACE CAN BE FOUND AT The Foxy Trail Half Marathon and 5K is the first event in both Dirt Devil Racing Series. You can run all 4 Trail Half Marathons earning a race logo pint glass, medal and performance technical shirt for each race. Run all 4 and earn the coveted Mike Hess Brewing - Dirt Devil Racing logo beer growler. If you want to save cash sign up for all 4 Half Marathons early to get the early bird pricing! If you are not up for a Half you can run the 5K, 2 months later the Wildhorse 10K followed 2 months later by the infamous Stairway to Heaven 15K and finally take a stab at the legendary Raptor Ridge Trail Half Marathon in October. At each event you will earn a medal, logo pint glass and performance technical fabric shirt. Of course you do not have to run all of them if you don't want to...but why would you not want to? If you want to sign up for all 4 races in the Progressive Series make sure to save some money, sign up early and get the early bird pricing! Those that register after March 15 are not guaranteed a shirt. Go to for more race details.

Event's current local time: 10:05 PM PT


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