Saturday, Sep 17, 2016 @ 5:30 PM
This Event Took Place Sat. Sep 17, 2016


    LUR's Bobcat Bait is a NIGHTTIME single and double track trail 50k and 50M event. The course will be run on an eight mile loop. There will be access to a full aid station, water, and bathrooms (port a let) once per loop. A water only stop will also be located at mile 2.5 and 5.5. The course will consist primarily of single and double track trails with a short section of asphalt and a grassy power line through the Northlake Nature Center in Mandeville, Louisiana. Since it will be run almost entirely in the dark you will need a headlamp. There are a large number of roots on the course, so be prepared! You will be able to complete one loop prior to dark to acquaint yourself with the trail. [6 loops for 50 milers and 4 loops for 50k.

    Aid station will have water, ice, coke, mountain dew, and a plethora of typical aid station snacks, fruit, and solid foods throughout the night.

    Camping is available across the highway at Fountainbleau State Park. There are also many hotels in Mandeville that are convenient to The Northlake Nature Center.

    RD Recommendations

    1. The course has a net elevation gain of only 19 feet per loop, but do not under estimate the level of difficulty that the course offers. Sections of the course have a large number of roots. A strong head lamp is highly recommended. Regardless, expect to fall several times over the course of the night.

    2. Deer flies and horse flies are usually aggressive (translation: hungry) at sunset and sunrise. They are also very fast. Unless you expect to be faster than they are, bring bug spray with DEET. I usually use Deepwood Off. The Deepwood Off is also fairly effective for the ticks that may view you as a source for a tasty meal as you run through the high grass on the power line section of the course.

    You've been warned!

    Directions to the Start

    Click the map link on the HtH D2D page at Ultrasignup; or

    From I-12 take the Highway 59 exit south toward Mandeville; follow Hwy 59 approximately 4 miles to Highway 190 (Florida Street); Take a left on Hwy 190 and travel east approximately 2 miles. The Northlake Nature Center sign and gravel/dirt parking lot will be on the north side of the highway. Parking is limited, so please park as close to other vehicles as you can. There is an upper and lower parking lot and you can park in either. Follow the board walk from the parking lot to the pavilion, where the LUR banner will be flying.

    If you have any problem locating the start/finish, call either Rhea (337-692-2964 ) or David (985-373-9298). Try not to wait until the last second to call. We will have our cell phones on, but we may both be distracted getting the race underway.

    Event's current local time: 3:12 AM CT


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