Saturday, Jun 11, 2016 @ 8:00 AM
This Event Took Place Sat. Jun 11, 2016

Event Description

Lace up your shoes and join runner/author Camille Picott and the Healdsburg Running Company for a 200-mile adventure! This relay will celebrate the release of Camille's ultrarunning zombie novel, Undead Ultra. The route will follow the route taken by the characters in the novel. Runners will pass through abandoned railroad tunnels, wade through rivers, pass fun graffiti art, battle blackberry briars, and run through ancient redwood trees. Experience of beauty of abandoned railroad tracks and scenic highway of Northern California. The relay will start in Geyserville and end at Humboldt University in Arcata.

Runners will receive a pair of shoes from our sponsors (Salomon and Izumi) and a custom buff. Please register by June 1 to receive your shoes for the race. Shirts can't be guaranteed to anyone not registered by June 1.

*Please note transportation, nutrition, and fuel are not included in the cost of the relay.*

What you will need

Sense of humor (always a plus)

Sense of direction (the course will not be marked -- I mean, all you have to do it follow the railroad tracks, how hard can it be?)

Money (in case we run into pot dealers on the tracks . . . Okay just kidding)

Nutrtition (no aid stations out on the tracks!)

Hydration pack with a min 2L water bladder (see above)

Headlamps (there are several tunnels on the tracks)

Towel (to dry off after those river crossings)

Extra socks (hopefully you've read the book)

Technu (poison oak GALORE)

Magnifying glass (ticks GALORE)

Gators (nettles, fox tails, & stickers GALORE)

Sun screen (who needs cancer)

Your best smile (for the documentary we're making!)

Event's current local time: 6:15 AM PT


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