Friday, Sep 8, 2017

909 Last Man Standing

Tyrell Rd

Pleasant Valley, NY 48hrs, 12hrs

This Event Took Place Fri. Sep 8, 2017


    Can you run 3.8 miles in 1 hr? How may hours can you repeat this process? Who wants to be the Last Man (Woman) Standing at 909?
    We start the “Competitive Group” at 6pm Friday evening all within a demarcated corral boxed-in area, and then run, jog, walk, hike a non-technical, clearly marked, 3.8 mi trail loop. Make it back to the box by 7pm and you get to go again. Back in box by 8pm... then one more try. 9pm... better break out the headlamp and some extra batteries - it's gonna be a Long Night.
    ** “Fun Run” group starts at 8am Saturday morning, not eligible for any prizes, and will be cut-off when Winner of “Competitive Group” is announced **
    We leave the starting line every hour, on the hour, but you only get to go again if you are in the starting line corral at the top of the hour. Seems easy, huh?... That's about 15 min miles... Grandma can even tackle this one... Possibly.... for the first few hours ???
    Aid stations. .. you are on your own to have your own gear, goodies, aid, support at Camp 909 at the Start/Finish Line. We encourage all to PotLuck the main aid station and to bring some goodies to share. Crews and friends allowed at Camp 909 to cheer, support, and assist... but NO pacers or assistance permitted in the Starting Corral or on The Trail. We encourage dropped runners to hang around to cheer and assist with those Still In The Race.
    Just remember. .. back IN the corral when the whistle blows and you get to run again. This will be a great event for seasoned Ultra Runners as well as Marathoners and Half'ers. Even better for less experienced runners, walkers, and hikers looking for a unique event that should surely push you outside your comfort zone. We guarantee that all levels will walk away from this event feeling extremely accomplished and most will surprise themselves as to what you can accomplish with the support of others and some self determination.
    Winner classes include: Last Man Standing, Last Woman Standing, Ultra Distance Recognition (50k, 50mi, 100km, and 100mi). We will also have a “Fun Run” class at discounted entry starting Sat am for those who just wish to get their Feet Wet and attempt a few laps for The Experience.


    Taconic Pkwy from North – 2 miles south of Rt 44 make Left on Tyrell Rd
    Taconic Pkwy from South – 5.5 miles north of Rt 55 make right on Tyrell Rd
    You MUST enter Tyrell Rd from Taconic – there is no other access
    Follow Tyrell Rd 1 mile east of Taconic to parking on N Side of 909 Taconic Hereford Multiple Use Area
    GPS Location of Start 41.74675, -73.76024


    No Dogs
    No Strollers
    Sorry but NO Refunds and NO Transfers


    Please put "909 Last Man Standing" in the Subject Line
    We also encourage you to visit our Facebook Event page titled "909 Last Man Standing" for additional details and event updates


    Competitive group Start Fri Sept 8 6pm Entry Fee $50 (Register for the 48 hr)
    Fun Run group Start Sat Sept 9 8am Entry Fee $25 (Register for the 12 hr)
    $10 Price Increase for all after Aug 23, 2017
    These are NOT 12 and 48 hr races, but we needed to fit into one of the UltraSignup Categories - these runs are 1 hour, 3.8 mile loops and you can continue as long as you complete your loop within the 1 hr time period; if not, then you are OUT.

    Event's current local time: 4:19 AM ET


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