Saturday, Apr 13, 2019

Harbison 100

5600 Broad River Rd

Columbia, SC 100K, 100 Miler

This Event Took Place Sat. Apr 13, 2019

Cancelled Event


Harbison 100

The Harbison 100 is a multiple loop course through the only urban forest in the heart of the Midlands of South Carolina. Runners will enjoy scenic views of the Broad River while traversing rolling hills and rows of tall pine trees. Minutes from the city but while in the forest you feel like your miles away from everything. Distances offered are 100 mile and 100K.

Race Date

April 11-12, 2020
100 Mile Start 7:00 am
100K Start 7:30 am

Time Cut Offs

100 Mile will have a 30 hour time limit
100K will have an 18 hour time limit.
Last lap start cut off time: 100K - 7:30 PM on Saturday (12 hours into the race), 100 Mile - 7 AM on Sunday (24 hours into the race). This allows for 6 hours to finish either lap.


You will traverse all trails within Harbison State Forest except the Lost Creek Trail. This event is a multiple loop event, starting and finishing in the same area of the forest. There will be multiple fully-stocked aid stations and several unmanned water stations along the course. Each loop is 20 miles long.


You can select from several hotels within 5 minutes of the race location. The race is the same week as the Masters Tournament in Augusta, GA. Due to this, there are no group rate hotel discounts available. Hotels in Columbia do get to capacity quickly as the week approaches, plan ahead and book a room early.


Pacers are allowed for all distances after dusk or the start of the 3rd lap for the 100K, 4th lap for the 100 mile. Your pacers must be checked in and ready by 7 pm April 12th.

Your crew can come and go whenever the gates to the forest are opened. After 4 pm, the main gates will be opened for 15 minutes every hour on the hour. Crew must display crew pass to enter after 4 pm.

Distance Changes

You are allowed to change distance until April 8th. You must complete this change in the system. Please note that if you change distances after the shirt orders are placed, you may not receive a shirt for the updated distance. If, after starting the race, you drop from the 100 Mile race to the 100K race and finish, you will be credited with an unofficial 100K finish with no medal and not eligible for placing.


All drops, deferrals, and bib transfers must be completed by you through this registration site. If you fail to complete this process, your deferral may not be granted in the following year's race.
Drops are allowed to be removed from your ultrasignup page until Friday April 10th at 12:00 pm. Any drops after this, need to be communicated to the race director and will be listed as a DNS in the results.
Deferrals must be communicated directly to the race director via email or text (no phone calls, please) by 12:00 PM April 10th.
Bib transfers are free to do until March 31, 2020. The responsibility to ensure the runner receiving the bib is adequately trained for the event in on the runner.

Event's current local time: 8:01 PM ET


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