Saturday, Jun 8, 2019 @ 8:30 AM

Cody Lake Sierra Trail Challenge

17510 US-50

Kyburz, CA 1/2 Marathon, 9 Miler, 10K, 5K

This Event Took Place Sat. Jun 8, 2019

About the Race

This course is run in the beautiful Sierras. The course starts/finishes at the East end of the Strawberry Lodge. The 13 mile course will simply blow your mind. This race will become one of your favorites for sure. The 13 miler will give you an awesome thrill. Running on these single track trails, I have sincerely loved them. I have worked on these trails for years. The course is very challenging, incredible High Sierra country, with breathtaking views, Cody Lake, and several creek crossings over the same creek.

Check out our website at for more information about this race.

Note on Registration

Troy's California Trail Runs Presents SUMMER IN THE SIERRAS! Our Races are permitted and ready to go! See you on the trails!

COVID - 19 Mitigation

Covid-19 prevention plan is subject to change and updates. Please continue to check our homepage for race day updates and for additional protocols and updates.
• Each runner must conduct a self-screening test before the race.
• 90 participants across both distances and staggered start
• If you have tested positive or been in contact with someone that tested positive within 14 days of race day, we ask you to stay home.
• If you have any symptoms, please stay home.
• All runners must wear a face mask at all times, EXCEPT while running the race, however we also ask that you carry a face mask on your person throughout the race in case of crossing paths.
• Aid stations will consist of minimal, already packed items, no communal items or hands on the table. Please respect the volunteers, staff, and other participants.
• Each race will stagger starts in small groups of 3-5 people. Face coverings, social distancing and temperature checks will be required to participate.
• Runners are highly encouraged to prepare their own nutrition packs. Drop-bag services to aid stations will be available.


7:00 AM: Runner check-in. Race day registration, pick up shirts, bibs and pins.
8:20 AM: Trail briefing at the start/finish.
8:30 AM: Start all distances.

Changes Due to Snow

Water Availability
Due to the snow will only be able to provide one water stop out on the Course at Mile 1.5 where the 5k Runners Turn Around.
This will be 3 less aid stations than planned due to road inaccessibility. No 10k Aid Station, Cody Lake Aid Station, or up into Cody Meadows.
I encourage all runners to provide a source of water or whatever liquid for the event via water bottles or camelbacks.

Snow Information:
The snow becomes a factor at mile 2 but it’s certainly manageable.
There are occasional snow patches immediately after the 5k turn around.

Instructions and Important Safety information for runners. Please read:

5k Runners will have no problem with snow and will turn around at the aid station.

All Runners will Follow Pink Ribbons tied to wooden clothespins for the first three miles.

10k Runners have the option of turning around at the River Crossing. You will be very close to your 10k distance if you do so.

10k Runners if you choose to cross over the tree or run around on the road you will Turnaround at the Orange Ribbons.

10k Runners either Turnaround At the creek crossing or Orange Ribbons.

Runners have the option of taking the trail or running around the creek on the paved road going out and returning to the Finish.

At mile three there is a impassable creek crossing.

At approximately mile three if you choose to take the trail up towards Cody Lake there is a Huge fallen tree over the creek/river that we have previously used for the runners as a bridge.

The fallen tree may be used going out and returning to the Finish.

13 and 9 Milers out and back Course. The 13 and 9 milers Run the 9 mile course together returning to the Strawberry Lodge. At approximately mile 3 you will start to follow Orange Ribbons with some Yellow Ribbons as well leading up to the Cody Lake Turnaround at the RED RIBBONS on the trail.

13 and 9 Milers at the start of the Orange Ribbons the snow is very consistent and becomes deeper the higher you go.

9 Milers once returning to the Strawberry Lodge you are done.

13 Milers will have a Aid Station at the Start Finish.
13 Milers you will go back out again running a Out and Back.
13 Milers you will run out approximately 2 miles it will be marked exactly where you turnaround.
Then return to the Strawberry Lodge for the Finish.

Course Information

13.1 milers and 9 milers: Yellow bibs
10K: Red bibs
5K: Black bibs
Course markings:

The course will be marked with the following: Ribbons will be connected to clothespins on bushes, trees, etc. Keep your head up looking for ribbons.

5K: Orange ribbons
10K: Blue ribbons
9 milers and 13.1 milers: Pink ribbons
Signs including distances and direction arrows; 8×11 signs connected to 3ft wooden stakes on the side of the trail.

All courses
This course is run in the beautiful Sierra’s. The course starts/finishes at the East end of the Strawberry Lodge. All runners will run on Strawberry Ln, a paved road. Runners, you will run to the end of Strawberry Ln & onto 42 mile tract, a dirt road, for approximentally a hundred yards.
Then turn LEFT up towards some cabins leading to a single track trail leading up to a dirt road and eventually, turning RIGHT on to a dirt road 11N19 approximentally mile 1. You will then run onto a paved road Packsaddle Pass Road turning LEFT over a small bridge and immediately turn LEFT up a dirt road.
Runners will now run up this dirt road 500 yards turning RIGHT up a dirt road. Have fun.
13.1 milers
The 13 mile course will simply blow your mind. This race will become one of your favorites for sure.
The 13 miler will give you a awesome thrill running on these single track trails I sincerely love & have worked on these trails for years for your enjoyment.
The 13 mile course is very challenging, incredible high Sierra country, breathtaking views, Cody Lake, several creek crossings the same creek.
The snow could impact parts of the course snow melt.
Primarily Pink ribbons after 2nd aid station 10k turnaround you will continue to follow Pink ribbons & start & good climb up for a few minutes until reaching your RIGHT turn up to Cody Lake.
Orange ribbons will indicate where to turn RIGHT up to Cody Lake, an out & back section to an aid station. Turnaround located a short distance beyond Cody Lake.
13 mile runners will return to the main trail where you first encountered the Orangeribbons & RIGHT turn up to Cody Lake.
After returning to this location a 2nd time you will turn RIGHT again up the trail leading to Cody Meadows aid station turnaround NOW Following Pink ribbons.
13 mile runners you will again follow Pink ribbons up to the aid station located at Cody Meadows. 13 mile runners you will turnaround at the aid station.
13 mile runners you will now run directly back to the finish at the Strawberry Lodge following Pink ribbons
9 milers
The 9 miler is a out & back up to Cody Lake.
9 milers follow PINK RIBBONS running pass the the 10k aid station continuing up the trail. The 9 milers run up the trail another 3/10 of a mile still following Pink ribbons then turn RIGHT up to Cody Lake now following Orange ribbons up to Cody Lake running passed the lake another 1/4 to the aid station turnaround. This section is a OUT & BACK SECTION.
The 9 mile runners turnaround at the aid station & return to the main trail they originally ran up. The 9 milers turn LEFT returning to the Strawberry Lodge again following Pink ribbons to the finish.
The 9 milers will have 5 aid stations.
10K and 5K runners
5k aid station will be located at the turn.
This dirt road is a very gradual climb up eventually turning into a single track and fairly wide.
Attention, there is a creek crossing just before the 10K aid station turnaround. Your feet will get wet. Be careful when crossing.

Course Maps

Cody Lake 5k Map -

Cody Lake 10k Map -

Cody Lake 9M Map -

Cody Lake Half Marathon -

Directions and Parking

Parking will only be allowed in designated areas. Please do not park in front of the Strawberry lodge unless you are a guest there. Please use EXTREME CAUTION if you walk across Hwy 50.


All finishers will receive a medal.

More Info

Please be aware that many types of wildlife live in the Sierras. Please keep your eyes open at all times & be aware of your surroundings.

Watch out for these animals and weather:

Mountain lions
Thunder showers and hail

Things to bring and do:

Apply permethrin insect repellent to shoes and clothing
Use deet repellent
Check for ticks thoroughly after running
Look for the circular expanding rash, sometimes looking like a bulls-eye, which occurs 2-10 days after a tick bite with lyme infection.

Event's current local time: 1:19 AM PT


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