Cancelled Event
About the Race
Start and finish of this first race in our Summer in the Sierras Series is at the wonderful Strawberry Lodge. All of the courses except for the 5K are primarily single track. You will love these courses in our beautiful Sierra—great country, views, lakes, creeks, rivers, air quality, plus high elevation and very challenging, breathtaking courses.
The 50K and 18M courses will quickly put runners in some beautiful remote backcountry. The courses are extremely adventurous, challenging and constantly evolving — keeping it interesting. The 50K and 18M races will satisfy the hardcore ultra runners with its menu of elevation and lots of Sierra dirt on the side.
For more information about this event, go to:
Active military receive a 15% discount. Entry fees are non-refundable unless the event is cancelled.
Schedule & Cutoffs
Saturday 10/02/2021 – Strawberry Lodge
6:45 AM. Runner Check Open, Bib Pickup, Shirt Pickup
7:45 AM: Trail briefing inside Strawberry Lodge.
7:50 AM: Head outside East end of the Strawberry Lodge for start of race.
8:00 AM: Start for all distances.
5:00 PM: Race Over 9 Hour Time Limit.
Cut off Times
9 Milers 1:00 pm Strawberry Lodge 5 Hours
13 Milers 1:30 pm Strawberry Lodge 5.5 Hours
Trail Marathoners 2:00 pm Strawberry Lodge 6 Hours.
50k 5:00 pm Strawberry Lodge 9 Hours.
Detailed cut off time information:
11:00 am Echo Summit Aid Station 50k Runners. Out of Aid Station on way back to the Strawberry Lodge.
2:00 pm Strawberry Lodge 18 Milers DONE.
2:00 pm Strawberry Lodge Aid Station 50k Runners. Out of Aid Station on way to the Sayles Canyon Aid Station.
3:30 pm Sayles Canyon Aid Station 50k Runners. Out of Aid Station on way back to the Strawberry Lodge for Finish.
4:40 pm at bottom of Lovers Leap at 17E12 single track trail and 11N19 dirt road.
5:00 pm Strawberry Lodge for FINISH Race Over.
Directions and Parking
The race will start and finish in front of Strawberry Lodge. Runners can park on the west side of the Strawberry Lodge in the dirt parking lot or on Strawberry Ln east of the lodge. No parking is permitted in front of the lodge unless you are staying there. Parking will only be allowed in designated areas.
Course and Race Information
Race Changes due to snow
After reaching the top the single track trail leading onto a dirt road leading over to the Hay Flat Aid Station Immediately I became aware of lots of snow in some sections making it impassible by any vehicles.
Due to Safety Concerns if a runner would need emergency assistance in that area a vehicle would not be able to drive to them.
I have another course for the 50K and 18 mile runners which is absolutely incredible mostly all single track you will love.
– Troy
The new course is changed for the Trail Marathoners and 50K only.
All other races are the same.
All races are now out and backs with the 50K going out to echo summit.
All of the courses except for the 5K are primarily single track.
No Pacers Allowed.
All Runners should carry at least one water bottle or camelback.
50k and Trail Marathoners are encouraged to have two water bottles a camelback or both.
No significant water crossing on course but wet feet is possible with a couple of wet areas.
After the event we will have food and refreshments on the lawn in the back of the Strawberry Lodge a beautiful setting.
Weather: Please be prepared for anything: Heat, cold, snow, rain, thunderstorms. The weather is very unpredictable in the Sierras. Thundershowers are very common in the afternoons. Have proper clothing if needed for hot or cold weather. Runners, please be prepared.
Bib Colors and Markings
Yellow bibs – 50K runners.
Red bibs – Trail Marathoners, 13 Milers.
Black bibs – 9 Milers, 10K, 5K, and 2 Milers.
Course Markings and Each Distance Info
All Runners
All Courses are Out and Backs.
All Runners will follow Pink Ribbons the entire time.
All Runners will follow Pink Ribbons leading over to the backside of Lovers Leap a single track trail 17E12.
All Runners will turn Left off of 11N19 a dirt road up 17E12 single track trail leading up to Lovers Leap.
See maps for detailed information.
5k Runners will Turnaround at Green Ribbons next to a sign printed “5k Turnaround”.
Return directly to the Strawberry Lodge for the Finish.
10k Runners you will run up and over Lovers Leap Down the other side and Turnaround at the Blue Ribbons with a sign printed “10k Turnaround” . Return directly to Strawberry Lodge for the Finish.
9 Milers
9 Milers will run up 17E12 single track trail up and over Lovers Leap down the other side onto the XP Trail Pony Express Trail. Running East to the Sayles Canyon Aid Station.
Turnaround at the Sayles Canyon Aid Station with a sign printed “9 Milers Turnaround”.
Return directly to the Strawberry Lodge.
At the Sayles Canyon Aid Station Crews/Specatators are Allowed and Drop Bags. Parking is extremely limited.
13 Milers
13 Milers will run past the Sayles Canyon Aid Station approximately 2 miles and Turnaround at Sierra At Tahoe Road.
A sign will be Posted 13 Mile Turnaround with Yellow Ribbons and water jugs will be available. Return directly to the Strawberry Lodge.
Trail Marathon
Marathoners will run out past the 13 Mile Turnaround Location continuing running East on the XP Trail Pony Express Trail Following Pink Ribbons.
You will cross over Sierra At Tahoe Paved Road staying on the XP Trail to your designated Turnaround location.
Orange ribbons and a sign will be posted at the Echo Summit Turnaround Water jugs will be available at the Marathon Turnaround.
Upon return to the Strawberry Lodge, you will run a 6-mile out-and-back on the same course to complete the race.
50k and 18 Mile Runners.
At approximately mile 7 you will cross over Sierra At Tahoe Road a paved road continuing East up on the XP Pony Express Trail Following Pink Ribbons.
Once crossing over Sierra At Tahoe Road running back onto the dirt single track trail. Approximately for 2.5 miles there will be NO RIBBONS marking this section until reaching a DIRT ROAD.
50k and 18 milers there is only the one trail the XP Pony Express Trail.
No other trails attached to the XP Pony Express Trail On this section to be concerned about.
50k route:
1. 50k Runners you will run a Out and Back up to the Echo Summit Aid Station.
Return directly to the Strawberry Lodge Aid Station the way you came.
2. 50k Runners will go back out and run a 10M route to sign marked with RED RIBBONS & a Black & White SIGN That Reads “50k Turnaround 2nd Time Out.” The sign is located 0.2 Miles after the Sayles Canyon aid station.
50k Runners and Crews. The Echo Summit Aid Station is located at the entrance of Adventure Mtn Snow Park/Lake Tahoe Winter Experience along the PCT Trail just off of Hwy 50.
50k Runners and Crews/Spectators. At the Echo Summit Aid Station Crews are Allowed and Drop Bags.
Bathrooms are available in the Echo Summit Adventure Mtn Snow Park Parking Lot. Parking is limited.
Lover's Leap 5k -
Lover's Leap 10k -
Lover's Leap 9M -
Lover's Leap 13M -
Lover's Leap 18M -
Lover's Leap Trail Marathon -
Lover's Leap 50k -
Aid Stations & Drop Bags
There will be 3 aid stations for this run.
Strawberry Lodge Start/Finish Aid Station
Sayles Canyon Aid Station
Echo Summit Aid station. (50k only)
There will be a number of water stops (in addition to water available at aid stations.
Water at Strawberry Lodge, 1 Mile trail turn off toward Lovers Leap, Sayles Canyon Aid station, 13M turnaround, 18M turnaround, Echo Summit Aid Station
Drop Bags
Previously it was stated that there are no drop bags for the 18M runners. That is now possible due to the course change.
At the start the morning of the race we will have drop bag locations indicated. We will deliver the drop bags and return them to the finish.
50K / 18M drop bag info: Drop bags will be picked up the morning of the race at the start.
Drop bag locations at Aid Stations.
1. Strawberry Lodge Aid Station for 50k Runners at Turnaround. 50k Runners once.
2. Sayles Canyon Aid Station 50k Runners Three Times.
3. Echo Summit Aid Station 50k Turnaround Location. 50k Runners once.
Safety Information
Please be aware that many types of wildlife live in the Sierras. Please keep your eyes open at all times, and be aware of your surroundings.
Wildlife/Weather please watch out for these animals.
Rattle Snakes.
Mountain Lions
Thunder showers and hail
Please be prepared for mosquitos. We will have repellent at all Aid Stations. Please have your sunscreen for the High Sierra sun. The mosquitoes have not been bad at all this year but mosquito repellent is always recommended to have on in the early mornings & evenings.
Sunscreen and a hat is advisable. A change of clothes, shoes & socks is advisable.
All Runners should carry at least one water bottle or camelback.
50k and 18 Milers are encouraged to have two water bottles a camelback or both.
How to deal with ticks. There are a few easy things to do which can help prevent tick bites:
Apply permethrin insect repellent to shoes and clothing
Use deet repellent
Check for ticks thoroughly after running
Look for the circular expanding rash, sometimes looking like a bulls-eye, which occurs 2-10 days after a tick bite with lyme infection.
Seek medical attention as required.
The night before the race we very much encourage anyone that would like to stay at the beautiful Strawberry Lodge to reserve rooms very early. The lodge has a limited capacity. The Strawberry Lodge, rooms, food and service is very impressive. You will enjoy your experience at the historic lodge. Please make sure that if you do reserve a room you will be able to receive a full refund if the event is not approved. You might be able to reserve a room without paying.
Strawberry Lodge has showers available for $5 a person. Runners can get a shower before or after the run. Camping is available at the Lovers Leap Campground a few minutes from the Strawberry Lodge Start/Finish. Runners can contact the El Dorado Forest Service.
Please be very considerate to the Strawberry neighborhood and run with caution on the road. The neighborhood is very low key and not much road traffic. Course in the beginning for a 1/4 of a mile Strawberry Ln is pavement until reaching 42 Mile Tract cabins. You will run on a dirt road for 100 yards turn LEFT uphill towards a cabin for 20 yards turn RIGHT onto a single track dirt trail. You will return to the finish this way.
Additional lodging in Kyburz CA the Sierra Inn On Hwy 50 West of the Strawberry Lodge. Approximately 15 minutes from Strawberry Lodge.
Camping is available at the Lovers Leap campground. Bathrooms & water available.
Runners please check with Forest Service At Camino Office (Google) for making reservations contact info. Visit for more info.
Lots of other camping areas available in area very close to lodge.
Runners may take a shower at the Strawberry Lodge Anytime for $5. Please inquire at Strawberry Lodge.
Cell Phone Information
Cell phones work on much of the course.
Race Director phone number Troy Limb 530 409 2989
Crew Information
Bathrooms are available along the course at the Horse Tail Falls Trail Head Parking Lot. On Hwy 50 on Left in between Strawberry Lodge and the first Sayles Canyon Aid Station
1. Sayles Canyon Aid Station.
Runners using Aid Station:
9 Milers Turnaround One Time In.
13 and 18 Milers in Twice.
50k Runners in Three Times. (50K distances at aid station: 4.5M, 16.5M, 25M)
Parking is extremely limited
2. Echo Summit Aid Station (50k only)
In the Adventure Mtn Snow Park Parking Lot.
50k only runners only (turnaround) at mile ? (coming soon)
Bathrooms are available in the Echo Summit Adventure Mtn Snow Park Parking Lot.
Parking is limited.
13M Crews / Spectators
13 mile Crews can see there runner at two different locations.
1.Sayles Canyon Aid Station first.
2.Sierra At Tahoe Road second.
3.Sayles Canyon Aid Station Again when runners are going back to the Finish.
Driving directions to the Sayles Canyon Aid Station from the Start / Finish at Strawberry Lodge.
Turn Right East up onto Hwy 50.
The Sayles Tract cabins are located just after Camp Sacramento on your Right.
Drive for approximately five minutes turning Right into the Sayles Tract.
Take immediate Right to Aid Station up paved road 0.1 miles.
Cabins should be on your Left and Sayles Canyon Creek Soon On your Right.
Please park passed Aid Station Wherever you can find parking.
9 and 13 Mile Crews / Spectators Directions back to the Strawberry Lodge:
Return to Hwy 50.
Turn Left West Down onto Hwy 50.
Drive for approximately 5 minutes the Strawberry Lodge will be on your Left.
Driving directions to Sierra At Tahoe Road. (50k and 18 Mile Crews / Spectators.)
(Leaving the Sayles Canyon Aid Station.)
Return to Hwy 50.
Turn Right onto Hwy 50 East up.
Drive for less then 5 minutes turning Right into Sierra At Tahoe onto Sierra At Tahoe Road.
Drive up Sierra At Tahoe Road for 0.2 of a mile .Yellow Ribbons will mark where to Park and meet your Runner.
The 50k and 18 mile runners will run through that dirt parking area so please keep it clear for runners.
50k and 18M crew/spectators
Sierra At Tahoe Road seeing your Runner there Twice.
50k and 18 milers Going Out first time reaching Sierra At Tahoe Road Mile ?. (coming soon)
50k and 18 Miler Crews Spectators – Returning to Sierra At Tahoe Road the second time on your way back to the Finish at the Strawberry Lodge.
50k Crews / Spectators – Driving directions to Echo Summit Aid Station.
Leaving Sierra At Tahoe Road.
Return to Hwy 50.
Turn Right East onto Hwy 50.
Drive for less the 5 minutes.
Turn Right into Adventure Mtn Snow Park.
Aid Station will be immediately straight ahead 30 feet from entrance.
50k Crews / Spectators – leaving Echo Summit Aid Station.
To Sierra At Tahoe Road.
Turn Left West onto Hwy 50.
Drive for less then 5 minutes.
Turn Left onto Sierra At Tahoe onto Sierra At Tahoe Road.
Drive back to previous location to see your Runner.
50k Crews / Spectators – leaving Sierra At Tahoe Road To Sayles Canyon Aid Station.
Return to Hwy 50.
Turn Left West down drive for less the 5 minutes.
Turn Left into the Sayles Tract.
Take immediate Right drive up for less then a minute.
Sayles Canyon Aid Station straight ahead.
50k Crews / Spectators – Leaving Sayles Canyon Aid Station returning to the Strawberry Lodge.
50k Crews Return to Hwy 50.
Turn Left West Down onto Hwy 50.
Drive for 5 minutes the Strawberry Lodge will be on your Left.
50k Crews / Spectators – Strawberry Lodge back to Sayles Canyon Aid Station.
Resort to previous directions.
50k Crews back to the Strawberry Lodge for FINISH.
Resort to previous directions to Strawberry Lodge.
Other Information
All finishers receive a medal at the end of the race.
Results are posted on our website after the race. It may take up to two days to publish the results.
Event's current local time: 5:22 PM PT