Saturday, Sep 26, 2020

Cloud Cap

Cooper Spur Ski Area

Mt. Hood, OR Marathon, 1/2 Marathon, 10K

This Event Took Place Sat. Sep 26, 2020


9/9/2020: Due to the full closure of the Mt. Hood National Forest to the public in response to extreme and rapid wildfire danger, the event is hereby cancelled. All registered runners have been notified this date with cancellation options.

9/8/2020: Registration has been paused as we gather information regarding the extreme fire conditions forcing closure of the Mt. Hood National Forest.

8/1/2020: Cloud Cap is a GO! We will be hosting the event as scheduled, with a safety plan in place to comply with COVID guidance requirements! Race caps have been decreased in order to ensure proper social distancing and event gathering limits currently in place by the Oregon Health Authority.

Cancelled Event



Welcome to the Cloud Cap mountain runs on Mt. Hood, presented by Salomon! Cloud Cap takes runners on an incredibly scenic tour of Mt. Hood’s wild northern slopes via three different loop-style course options— an “all-terrain” mountain marathon and half-marathon using trails and the rugged Cloud Cap Road, plus an entirely trail 10K distance. Staged at the charming and quaint Cooper Spur Ski Area, each course showcases many of the mountain’s most iconic and historic sites throughout the Cloud Cap-Tilly Jane Historic District. Exquisite views abound of the volcano’s ever-present summit, flanked by Cooper Spur and Polallie Canyon to the south, the Langille Crags and Eliot Canyon to the north and of course the massive icefalls of Mt. Hood’s largest glacier, the mighty Eliot, making this a truly awe-inspiring, one-of-a-kind race experience!

Mountain Marathon

The Cloud Cap Mountain Marathon is a scenic lollipop-loop style course, characterized as hilly, beautiful and fast, on a variety of gorgeous trails and historic forest roads showcasing some of Mt. Hood’s most iconic areas. From Cooper Spur Ski Area at 3950’ elevation, runners will travel up to 6000’ through the Cloud Cap—Tilly Jane Historic District, mainly using the Tilly Jane Ski Trail, Cloud Cap Road and Polallie Ridge Trail.

The marathon course is 26.8 miles long, with 4800 ft. of ascent and 4800 ft. of descent. In all, the course includes approximately 9 miles of singletrack trail, 6 miles of maintained gravel forest roads (lower Cloud Cap Road) and 11 miles of rough, rugged jeep road (upper Cloud Cap Road). There are 5 full aid stations along the course.

Half Marathon

The Cloud Cap Half Marathon is a scenic loop course on a variety of gorgeous trails and rugged, historic forest roads showcasing some of Mt. Hood’s most iconic areas, and is the first half of the full Mountain Marathon course. From Cooper Spur Ski Area at 3950’ elevation, runners will travel up to 6000’ through the Cloud Cap—Tilly Jane Historic Area, mainly using the Tilly Jane Ski Trail and Cloud Cap Road.

The marathon course is 13.3 miles long, with 2400 ft. of ascent and 2400 ft. of descent. In all, the course includes approximately 4.5 miles of singletrack trail, 3 miles of maintained gravel forest roads (lower Cloud Cap Road) and 5.5 miles of rough, rugged jeep road (upper Cloud Cap Road). There are 2 full aid stations along the course.


The Cloud Cap 10K is a super scenic, tough but thrilling loop-style course on trails showcasing some of Mt. Hood’s most iconic areas. From Cooper Spur Ski Area at 3950’ elevation, runners will travel up to 6000’ through the Cloud Cap—Tilly Jane Historic Area primarily using the Polallie Ridge Trail up and Tilly Jane Ski Trail down.

The 10K course is 6.6 miles long, with 2100 ft. of ascent and 2100 ft. of descent. Note that all of the climbing is in the first 3.4 miles! There is 1 aid station at the top of the course.

About Daybreak Racing

Daybreak Racing presents unique and well-supported Pacific NW trail running races including Tillamook Burn, Wy'east Howl and Backcountry Rise. Our goal is to share some of our area's most beautiful areas and reward your effort with friends, food, music and memories.

Adventure begins at Daybreak.

Cancellation Policy

See the full Cancellation Policy on the Daybreak Racing website.

Event's current local time: 7:07 PM PT

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