Tuesday, Jun 30, 2020 @ 8:00 AM

The Sun Will Come Out Ta'Mara

PO Box 17900

42K, 21K, 15K, 10K, 5K, Kilometer

This Event Took Place Tue. Jun 30, 2020

Here's What's Happening

On March 24, 2020, Race Director Ta'Mara Aarin-Anderson suffered a stroke. After 2 1/2 weeks in a rehab hospital, she returned home to begin her audous recovery. There is no reasonable explanation why this would happen to such a young, healthy, athletic, Badwater-135 bound woman with no pre-existing risk factors.

An experience like this, combined with social isolation from the COVID-19 restrictions puts enormous strain on Ta'Mara and Mike, who is her only caregiver right now. Additionally, their finances have been hit with unexpected medical expenses and loss of income due to COVID.

Everyone who knows Ta'Mara knows how much she loves the people in her running community and that's where you come in. Let's celebrate this friendship and our good wishes for her complete recovery as well as donate a little money by joining our Virtual Race to support Ta'Mara. Just knowing that you are running a few miles dedicated
to her will mean so much to her.

Let's do this!

Jim Doyle - Race Organizer
Nancy Shura-Dervin - Assoc. Race Organizer

What To Do

1) Choose Your Adventure

  • Marathon
  • Half Marathon
  • 15 km
  • 10 km
  • 5 km
  • 1 km (I'm a giver, not a runner)

    2) Register on ULTRA SIGNUP (all distances are $40.00)

    3) Run the distance of your choice anytime between May 1 and June 30, 2020

    5) Take a Selfie or two documenting your run. Please share your run photos here on T's Facebook and use the following tags.
  • #runfortamara
  • @tamaraarin
  • @coachjdoyle

    6) Report your results via email to JDOYLE4@MAC.COM. Race results are reported using the "honor system" and everyone's a winner!

    7) After your race, pick up your shirt and finisher medal at Fleet Feet Sports Encino or Westlake Village

    Transparency Statement

    ULTRA SIGNUP is direct depositing all registration fees into Ta'Mara's account. The only expenses taken out will be for shirts, medals and postage for mailing swag to those who cannot pick up. The race organizers are donating their time.

    Event's current local time: 11:38 PM PT
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