Saturday, Aug 15, 2020 @ 5:00 AM

North Georgia 50k

ingles clayton, GA

Clayton, GA Membership

This Event Took Place Sat. Aug 15, 2020

North Georgia 50k club

This is a club registration for the calendar year 2020. The club offers one 50k ish group run explained below.

The run will be held from some where in the town of Clayton, Georgia, It will be about half road half trails. This will be a mountain run to so epic view points, by some waterfalls and have some places you get your feet / legs wet. There is no packet pick up, no volunteers, no flagging. You will bring drop bags to the starting location that is given out race week. Then the day before or of the race you will be given the route with a map, directions and a GPX file if you want to put on a watch etc.

There will be 2 drop bags that you will responsible for labeling and then when you get to the drop bags you must take everything with you and leave no trash. Also you will pass 1-2 gas stations so bring a credit card / cash.

You will get an official finish time and a small something something.

The start will be a rolling start meaning starting from 5 am to 6:30 am you can start but you must follow all the rules. aka being respectful, no littering and being mindful of traffic etc. but the cutoff time for the run is you must be done by 6 pm.

This will be super fun and limited to 74 people with no waitlist etc.

Please note that that photo is not from the race. We do not want to give it away but its a Run Bum designed course so you know its gonna be epic.

Expect about 8,000 ft gain same loss, epic wide open views, running back roads through forgotten valleys,

Event's current local time: 12:16 PM ET


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