January 1 - February 28, 2021
This Event Took Place Sun. Feb 28, 2021

Everything you need to know to race today.

Register on UltraSignup and race the course anytime between January 1, 2021 and February 28, 2021. Post your time on Strava and Race the Commons will find your result. If you don't use Strava, send an email to Race Director and you will be added to the finisher list. Only Strava verified times can take top 3. This youtube video gives a beautiful tour of the course and shows how racing works. Map and turn-by-turn course directions are all provided on this one-page pdf.

Can I expect help if I get lost or have problems on the course?

No, you are running solo or with whoever you feel safe running with. Be careful, make sure you know how to navigate, bring water and food, and prepare for extreme changes in coastal weather. You must be 100% self-reliant to run a Race the Commons race.

Directions to the start.

For directions to the start line, search "Soberanes Canyon Trailhead, CA" on Google Maps. Parking is free. Be careful getting in and out of your car. From the highway, walk 0.1 miles going past the barn on the only trail and start your watch before you cross the only footbridge.

Helpful GPX File.

Here is the course GPX file.

About Race the Commons.

Race the Commons designs courses for competitive running on public land. All racing is self-supported. Top 3s get awards. Race hard. Race often. Give everything. Register on UltraSignup and post your time on Strava. Respect Covid-19 and love the land.

Event's current local time: 6:31 PM PT


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