January 1 - 31, 2022

Touch the Gate 20k

Virtual 20K

This Event Took Place Mon. Jan 31, 2022

Touch The Gate 20k

A virtual challenge you can do on your own using the trail system at Sawnee Mountain Preserve in Cumming, GA. You'll get to see some great views and you can do it at your own pace.....with just a few rules.

The Rules

1. You have 24 hours once you start. You can break it up however you want but do the 20k in a 24 hour period. Your time starts when you start. If you break it up into multiple runs/walks/hikes the clock keeps running. Complete the challenge and submit your results by January 31st, 2022.

2. Run/hike/walk/crawl the 20k on the trail system at Sawnee Mountain Preserve. Maps here:

3. Touch the gate at least once during your 20k. The "gate" is located at: 34.238251, -84.157095
(Barker Rd is located on the Mountainside Trail System, not the Indian Seats Trail System)

4. Submit your thru self-reporting on Ultrasignup.

Here are things NOT to do:

❌Don't get lost. Print the maps or download a trail app if you are not familiar with these trails.

❌Don't trespass! The gate is around the tower for a reason. Don't get crazy. Touch the gate, take a selfie, move on. There are also residences on that road so don't bother them either.

Other details:
Join our group Facebook Group FoCo Ultrarunners for accountability and for info on group runs if you want to complete the challenge with others.

Get creative! There are 11 miles of trails at the preserve so make it fun!

You can keep attempting the challenge and submit your best time. No need to sign up again.

Do it for the shirt!

Have fun!

Event's current local time: 8:36 PM ET


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