Sunday, Mar 13, 2022

Mountain Miler Trail Race: 10M & 18M at Lula Lake

5000 Lula Lake Road

Lookout Mounatin, GA 18 Miler, RULER 18-Miler, 10 Miler

This Event Took Place Sun. Mar 13, 2022

    Event Postponed

    This event has been postponed from Mar 12, 2022 to Mar 13, 2022



    Join the race for conservation and sign-up to race the Lula Laker Mountain Miler this March 12-13. Divided between two days, runners will compete on Saturday, March 12 and mountain bikers will compete on Sunday, March 13 in either long-distance 18-mile course or short-distance 10-mile courses.

    Please note: The 10-miler will have 1,000 ft. elevation gain, and the 18-miler will be a more difficult course with over 2000 ft. elevation gain.

    The Trail Run Race will be on Saturday, March 12. Start time is 8:30am for the 18-miler and 8:45 am for the 10-miler, with the finishing deadline 2:30pm ET. No late admittance.

    Click here for Sunday 3/13/22 MTN Bike Race Registration.

    $55 registration fee in support of conservation (includes the famous Lula Lake combo of a hotdog and beer!). You race, your fee goes to a good cause! 100% of proceeds go into Lula Lake's trail work efforts and conservation mission.

    Feeling adventurous? Want to RULE THE MOUNTAIN? Sign-up to trail run the 18-miler on Saturday, March 12 and the MTB 18-miler on Sunday, March 13 to become KING or QUEEN of the mountain. Register with “Ruler 18-Miler” for the discounted price of $80, and we will email you to confirm your registration for both dual events. Be warned, the 18 miles are beautiful… but they aren’t for the faint of heart!

    Race Details:
    - The course will be well marked and you will be expected to follow the race course to place.
    - Please arrive at least 30 minutes before your start time.
    - Packet Pick-up will be available the Friday before at Rock Creek Northshore from 4-6:30PM or day of.
    - The first 50 race registrants will receive a one-of-a-kind wood race medallion.
    - Spectators welcome.
    - Each race course will have top men and top women categories in the following age groups: Ages 0-18, 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50+

    Limited spots for tent camping and vehicle camping will be available on Saturday night, March 12, 2022. Gates will open for campers at 4:00pm and close at 9pm. There will be no entry past 10pm.

    $25 - Tent Spot available as an add-on

    This event will be rain or shine. In the event of extremely severe weather we will delay the start or reschedule.

    Race Cut-Off:
    The cutoff time for the for the 18-miler is 2:30pm (4 hours) at mile 13.

    The Course:
    The Trail Run will have 2 mileage options of 10 miles and 18 miles.
    Click here for a preview of the 10 Mile. Click here for a preview of the 18 Mile.

    10-mile and 18-mile course runners will pass the first aid station at ~mile 6.5. A second aidstation will be provided along the route at ~mile 11 for those racing the 18-mile course. These stations will have Gatorade and sweet/salty snacks.
    The 18-miler has beautiful scenery… but is NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART. Expect technical rock gardens and steep climbs.

    The closest lodging is The Chanticleer Inn, Cloudland Canyon State Park, or various Airbnb’s on Lookout Mountain. Chattanooga is a 20 minute drive from Lula Lake Land Trust and has vast options for lodging and food.

    Event's current local time: 1:38 AM ET


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