Saturday, Jul 16, 2022 @ 9:00 AM
This Event Took Place Sat. Jul 16, 2022

Run with Purpose 5k

Participants will be running or walking 1.67 miles on dirt trail and 1.5 on the Audubon Park track paved

Any questions don’t hesitate in contact us!

A fundraiser for the New Orleans Mission shelter!

Run with Purpose 5k
“So I RUN with PURPOSE in every step…”1st Corinthians 9:26

The New Orleans Mission is a platform used by God to transform lives. As an emergency shelter, we provide food, clothing, shelter, and spiritual guidance to the region’s homeless hurting and hungry. Our strategy is to rescue people from physical and/ or sexual abuse, mental illness, and financial hardship: strengthen the RECOVERY efforts of the people seeking our support to overcome addiction; and fostering their successful Re-engagement into society as healthy disciplined skilled men and women who are ready to lead a sustainable, productive, purpose-driven life. Finally, RE-UNITE the transformed men and women with their families, allowing time and space to restore broken relationships as they move forward to become the parent God created them to be.

Place: Audubon Park, Shelter 10 entry in Magazine St

Time: 9am

Registration starts at 7am-8:35am

Instructions 8:45am

Race Starts 9am

Heading Label...

Welcome to The New Orleans Mission’s Fundraiser Event: Run With Purpose 5k 2023! Q50 Races is honored to provide the race course, timing, and results for this event. We encourage you to continue to follow common sense hygiene and to take personal responsibility for your own health & safety concerns. As always, IF YOU DON’T FEEL WELL, DON’T COME. Also, please check the weather to dress accordingly.

Race Site: Audubon Park, Shelter 10 - 6555 Magazine St, New Orleans, LA 70118.

Race Schedule:
7:00am - 8:35am: Registration
8:35am - 8:45am: Mission Welcome
8:45am - 8:55am: Course Instructions
9:00am: Race Starts
Please don’t wait to show up at the last minute

Race Course: 1.68 miles on the dirt trail and 1.42 miles on the Audubon Track (pavement).

Deadline for online pre-registration: Wednesday, 7/19 Midnight. There will be Race Day Registration.

Your Race Registration is Non-Transferrable.

Please bring your own hydration container, as there is no water station on the course. Food will be provided by the New Orleans Mission.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate.

We are doing our best to provide a safe and fun environment for you to MOVE in a positive and challenging way. Please, let’s continue to extend mutual respect to one another.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions, and as always, we thank you for your support. Happy Trails!

Cesar Torres, Director
Q50 Races

Event's current local time: 6:58 PM CT


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