Live an Ultra Experience in the Heart of the Amazon Jungle
About the Experience, Travel, and Accomodations
There will be 3 days of racing in the middle of the Amazon Jungle, in the Non Stop Survivor model (non-stop and self-sufficient athlete)
Travel to Brazil:
The athlete must buy a Flight to Manaus/Am landing at Eduardo Gomes International Airport, ideally arriving in Manaus on 11/02/2023 or 11/01/2023 and return on 11/6 or 7/11/2023.
The athlete must stay in a hotel on these days of arrival and will be under the responsibility of the event on 11/03/2023 for the 30k, 50k, 100k and 160km routes; these distances will include an overnight stay in the indigenous village and food.
Visit this link for everything included in the 30K, 50K, 100K, and 160K registration.
For the 13K and 21K events, no accommodations are included. Visit this link for everything included in the 13K and 21K event.
Visit Ultra Trail Amazonica for more information on this can't-miss adventure.
11/2 Land by air; travel to hotel
11/3 Reception and river trip to the starting point at Aldeia Tatuyo; Indigenous cultural experience followed by the prologue and overnight stay.
11/4 5 a.m. Race start
11/5 Awards ceremony, return to hotel
They offer the experience of experiencing indigenous and riverside cultures, running on trails in the Jungle, along the beaches of the Rio Negro, streambeds and tributary rivers and through all the mysteries of the forest!
All Routes
Race Kit
- Whistle
- Backpack with hydration system - 2L minimum - and bottles
- Headlamp with spare batteries - minimum of 2 sets for each 50K
- Thermal blanket
- First aid kit including tweezers, antacid, analgesics, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antihistamines, diaper rash cream, adhesive plaster, gauze, gloves, bandage, antiseptic - 2 units each for the 3 day event
- Waste holder
- Beanie or bandana, cap, or buff
- Fleece or long-sleeved thermal blouse
- Pants or leggings
- Change of clothes
- Food reserves (fruit, chocolate, energy bars
- Cash to cover any unforeseen circumstances
- Watch or phone with GPX-file reading application and previously downloaded route
About the self-sufficient athlete or survivor: In Brazil,this means that he must carry his food and hydration with him, and is responsible for himself and for this food consumption. There will be water replacement at the Control Points - PC and also at the point of food, but in this distance interval, he must be self-sufficient (mainly with items such as: supplements, vitamins, carbohydrate gel, etc.)
Self-sufficient athlete
It is the athlete who has full responsibility for his participation in the sporting event and is capable of starting and arriving without needing support from third parties or the race organization, that is, he will be able to face all the adversities encountered in the place where the race is developed , from physical and/or mental problems, tiredness, hunger, thirst, rain, cold, heat, wind, caring for minor injuries, etc.
He is fully responsible for everything he will experience during his participation, as well as being responsible for his previous preparation, regardless of the organization's suggestions.
Tune In with the Forest
Event's current local time: 6:20 AM ET