10 Races
1 Trophies
The Wild Canyons Ultra - 50K - Quiteaque, TX
The Wild Canyons Ultra - 100K - Quiteaque, TX
33 Races
1 Trophies
The Bighorn Mountain Wild and Scenic Trail Run - 32 Miler - Dayton, WY
Beaverhead Endurance Runs - 55K - Salmon, ID
The Bighorn Mountain Wild and Scenic Trail Run - 50 Miler - Dayton, WY
The Bighorn Mountain Wild and Scenic Trail Run - 100 Miler - Dayton, WY
CRUD - 8hrs - Brimfield, IL
McNotAgain Trail Runs - 30 Miler - Pekin, IL
Rock Cut Hobo Rendezvous - 50K - Rockford, IL
Ice Age Trail - 50 Miler - La Grange, WI
Rock Cut Hobo Rendezvous - 50K - Rockford, IL
Leadville Trail Marathon and Heavy Half - Marathon - Leadville, CO
Rock Cut Hobo Rendezvous - 50K - Rockford, IL
Ice Age Trail - 50K - La Grange, WI
Rock Cut Hobo Rendezvous - 50K - Rockford, IL