April 20 - September 27, 2024

Ultraverse Kansas Slam

Switchgrass Mountain Bike Trails

Sylvan Grove, KS, KS Triple Slam

Registration has closed for this event

Ultraverse Kansas Slam Details

This is not a registration page. This is a results page. When entering the Ultraverse Kansas Slam participants will receive results from each of the races, PLUS an overall Slam result.

Three different races – all totally different formats! A backyard style last person standing race, a timed race, and a traditional distance style race. The winners are the male and female who complete the most MILES between three events. ALL runners who complete the slam will receive an Ultraverse Kansas Slam buckle in addition to the awesome swag earned at each event. Additionally, the male and female with the most miles will receive a sweet custom plaque with their name and total slam mileage!

To register for the Ultraverse Kansas Slam you must register at each individual race page (links listed below). To qualify for the slam, you must run…

1. Eternal Damnation Backyard - April 20, 2024
Note – Eternal Damnation is currently sold out. However, runners who register for the Ultraverse Kansas Slam will bypass sold out events and be allowed to enter. To do so, sign up for the required events, and you will bypass the waitlist once you have registered for all events.

2. The Sticks 6/12/24/48/72 Hour Races - May 30 – June 2, 2024 (depending on race distance)

3. The Hell Creek Half & 50K - Aug. 24, 2024


The Hell Creek 100 Race Series – Options of 20-miles, 100k, 100-miles, and 140-miles
You CAN register for both the Hell Creek Half & 50k AND the Hell Creek 100 Race Series. If this option is taken the HIGHEST mileage between the two races will be used for your slam total (not the total mileage). Some choose to do the Half and 50k as a “safety net” and then choose a more aggressive distance at the Hell Creek 100 Race Series to try to up their total slam distance. Note – the only races in the series that you can DNF are the Hell Creek races, since they are traditional distance style races. If you don’t complete the slam due to a DNF, your slam result will also be DNF.

- To be eligible for the buckle, you must complete ANY distance in each of the three races.

- There are no DNF’s in Eternal Damnation or The Sticks, so any completed distance is eligible. You must FINISH the distance you sign up for at either Hell Creek race, as we do not allow dropdowns on race day.

- Buckles will be distributed at the Hell Creek 100 race upon successful completion.

- Finishers will be featured in a shout-out on the Ultraverse Supplements FB page, our website, and our email newsletter.

Event's current local time: 12:45 AM CT


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