Saturday, Dec 14, 2024

Beast of the East 100

522 Park Office Ln

Kings Mountain, NC 100 Miler, 100K, Marathon, 15 Miles

Registration closes: Sun, Dec 8 @ 11:59PM ET


Course Details:

2024 Route Details!!!!

26 Marathon, 100K, and 100 Miler.

We start out at the Wolf's Den Aid Station and we run onto the fern trail that connects to the Turnback Trail. We continue from there to the Pinnacle Trail. We take a left turn first. You run ALL the way up to the Pinnacle Mountain Summit. Then you come back down heading towards Ridgeline trail. You will hit your first aid station The Famous 161 Aid station. After that you will continue along Ridgeline to the Boulders Aid Station. This Aid Station is also a great Famous Aid station!!! When you leave Boulders Aid Station you will head right and follow Ridgeline back to the 161 Aid Station! Then you work your way back from the Ridgeline Trail to the Pinnacle Trail. You take a right turn to The Wolf Den Aid Station!!! You Do NOT have to go back up to Pinnacle a Second time! From the here you will run back out onto the Fern Trail. Then to the Pinnacle Trail. This time you take a right onto Pinnacle trail. At some point Pinnacle will become the Crowders Trail. You will follow the Crowders Trail All the way to the Rocktop trail. From the Rocktop Trail you will take your way up then to Tower Trail. Follow it ALL the way down to the Linwood Aid Station. From the Linwood Aid Station you will run back up Tower Trail then Take a left turn onto Rocktop Trail. Follow it all the way back down to the Crowders Trail. From the Crowders Trail it will turn back into the Pinnacle Trail. You will follow the Pinnacle trail and make a left turn onto Turnback Trail! From Turnback Trail you will run back into the Wolf Den Aid Station!!! On the Final trip of the 100K You will do the Repeat the out and back of going from Wolf Den back to Linwood then Come right back to finish up.

The 15 Miler

You will start out at the Wolf's Den Aid Station and run out onto the Fern Trail. Follow it all the way to the Pinnacle Trail. From there you will go all the way up Pinnacle Summit. You will then go back down and hook onto Ridgeline Trail. Follow it all the way out to the 161 Aid Station. From there you will then run Ridgeline to the Boulders Aid Station. Once you do the turn around here. You will head back towards the 161 Aid Station. From there you will run back from Ridgeline onto Pinnacle Trail. When you reach Pinnacle Trail you will make a right turn back onto Turnback Trail. Then finally you will read The Wolf's Den Aid Station for the Finish!

The Routes of the 15 Miler, 25 Miler, and the 50 Miler do measure a little longer than the signed up distance. To be very clear. For the 100 Miler. On your last loop of the race. You will only be running to the 161 Aid Station and then the turn around so that you are doing the 100 mile race.


We are developing brand new Medals and Buckles for this year! If you have ran the race before and you think you have gotten everything you could get. Think again! LETS GO!!!!

Time Cutoffs

15 Mile: None
Marathon: 10 hours ( 6 pm Saturday)
100K: 20 Hours (4 am Sunday)
100 Mile: 34 Hours (6pm Sunday)


Marathon - 4,842 in Gain
100K - 9,684 in Gain
100 Miler - 19,368 in Gain

For the 15 miler it will be 2,000 feet of gain.

Aid Stations

We will have 4 aid stations on course:

Wolf Base - The 161 Aid Station - Boulders Access - Linwood Access

Major Aid Station Food:
All aid stations will have basic food choices:
Pickles wrapped in Bacon, Cereal, Gummies, Salt Pretzels, Candy, Fruits
Hot Food during the race will include: Hot Bacon, Soup, Probably a surprise or two

Drink Choices:
Tailwind and Water
Soda - Mountain Dew, Coke, Ginger Ale

Gear / Pacers

Trekking Poles are completely ok to use. Just don't poke anyone eye out.

Pacers are fully allowed only for the 100 miler after 50 miles.

"TRAIL SISTERS Approved Race"

Welcome to the Beast of the East 2023. in addition to our classic race distances (15M, 25M, 50M & 100M) we have a 15 miler/25k-ish race. We are now a "TRAIL SISTERS Approved Race". This is great news and we hope to see more ladies out on the trail this year. This is a great race for those who don't have the time to spend all day at. the park because you have to finish your Christmas shopping!

Event's current local time: 3:36 AM ET


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