2025 April 26th
Online race registration will open on the day after Thanksgiving 2024
David R. Obey (Chippewa Moraine) Ice Age Interpretive Center
13394 Cty Hwy M
New Auburn, WI 54757
The David R. Obey Ice Age Interpretive Center is 7 miles east of New Auburn and 1.9 miles east of State Highway 40 on County Highway M.
PARKING: There is a small lot at the top of the hill at the Interpretive Center. You may park on both sides of the driveway, but please pull off as much as you safely can in order to keep space open for drivers and runners (who use the lower portion at the end of the race.)
WHEN - Saturday, April, 26th
START - 8:00 a.m.
COURSE - Course is an out-and-back marked with pink flags that are staked in the ground on your right side going out and left side on your return trip. Mostly single track using the Ice Age Trail and the Circle Trail from the Center.
AID STATIONS- (driving directions in parentheses)
1. Cty Hwy M 3.2 miles (.75 mile west of the Center on Cty Hwy M)
2. Plumber Lake 6.3 miles, 9.5 miles total (4 miles east on Cty Hwy M then 1 mile south on 167th/Plummer Lake Road)
3. Turnaround 6.1 miles, 15.6 miles total (9 miles east of center on Cty Hwy M then 2.4 miles south on Cty Hwy E)
4. Plumber Lake 6.1 miles, 21.7 miles total (4 miles east on Cty Hwy M then 1 mile south on 167th/Plummer Lake Road)
5. Cty Hwy M 6.3 miles, total 28 miles (.75 mile west of center)
DROG BAGS - at the turnaround
PORTA POTTY - at the start/finish and the turnaround
CUT OFF - Finish time 9 hours and 4 hours at the turnaround
AWARDS - Top 3 male and female
PRINTS - All Finishers will receive a full color 8.5 x 11 print of current year logo
FIELD LIMIT - 180 entries
ENTRY FEES: 11/29/24 - $64.15 till Dec 1st or the first 60 entries. Whatever comes first.- $86.57 from then on till Feb 29th, March 1st till April 20th $110.23
20 Miler
WHEN - Saturday, April, 26th
START - 8:30 a.m.
COURSE - Course is an out-and-back marked with pink flags that are staked in the ground on your right side going out and left side on your return trip. Mostly single track using the Ice Age Trail and the Circle Trail from the Center.

AID STATIONS - (driving directions in parentheses)
1. Cty Hwy M - 3.2 miles (.75 mile west of the Center on Cty Hwy M)
2. Plumber Lake / Turnaround - 6.3 miles, 9.5 miles total (4 miles east on Cty Hwy M then 1 mile south on 167th/Plummer Lake Road)
3. Cty Hwy M - 6.3 miles, total 15.8 miles (.75 mile west of center)
DROG BAGS - Not available
CUT OFF - Finish time 7 hours
AWARDS - Top 3 male and female
PRINTS - All Finishers will receive a full color 8.5 x 11 print of current year logo
FIELD LIMIT - 150 entries
ENTRY FEES: 11/29/24 - $64.15 till Dec 1st or the first 50 entries. Whatever comes first.- $75.36 from then on till Feb 29th, March 1st till April 20th $92.17
50k Relay
The 50k relay is a 2 person event.
Any combination of 2 runners and any age combination.
One runner run to the turnaround.
High fives the waiting runner.
Next runner runs back to the center.
Same course as the open 50k race.
Entry Fee 11/29 till 12/1 $110 per team
After 12/1 $140.00 per team
WHEN - Saturday, April, 26th
START - 9:00 a.m.
COURSE - Course is a out and back with pink flags that are staked in the ground. Mostly single track using the Ice Age Trail and the Circle Trail from the Center.

AID STATIONS- (driving directions in parentheses)
1. Cty Hwy M - 3.2 miles (.75 mile west of the Center on Cty Hwy M)
DROG BAGS - Not available
CUT OFF - Finish time 2 hours
AWARDS - Top 3 male and female
PRINTS - All Finishers will receive a full color 8.5 x 11 print of current year logo
FIELD LIMIT - 120 entries
ENTRY FEES: 11/29/24 - $36.12 till Dec 1st or the first 40 entries. Whatever comes first.- $41.73 from then on till Feb 29th, March 1st till April 20th $47.33
Camp Nawakwa is a historic youth camp that is available for rent to youth groups and organizations.
A 75-acre camp that is settled amongst hilly glacial topography on the north side of picnic lake.
The camp is right at the turn around of the 50k and is the parking for the 50k relay.
In addition to providing parking they are the AS people for the turn around!
Offering cabins to yurts for ONLY $50.00 PER PERSON a night! Open New Tab

Packet Pickup
Packet pickup will be available on Friday the night before from 3 to 6 p.m. at David R. Obey (Chippewa Moraine) Ice Age Unit Interpretive Center and race morning starting at 7:00 a.m.
13394 Cty Hwy M
New Auburn, WI 54757
Course Map
Click Here for Course Map
There is an abundance of small hills along all courses with only one major uphill, which is at the finish. There isn't much technical running with lots of rocks and roots, however this isn't road running either.
There are interesting landmarks to see along the course, and you will run next to many lakes, such as South Shattuck Lake, Dans Lake and Plummer Lake along with 20 others. You will run up rattlesnake hill before heading through a field, balance your way across Three Sisters boardwalk, over Kim's Crossing (a bridge which was built by Kim's Dad after she was killed by a drunk driver), and over a 3-foot high by 100-foot long (without a railing) bridge through tall pines in a swamp.
Chippewa YouTube Channel
On our You Tube channel you will see videos of past winners in each event, runners' reaction to the race / course and random interviews.
Chippewa Trail Races
General Information
No external music during the race. If you would like to have music, please use headphones. Respect your fellow runners and others at the park.
AID STATIONS: Aid station fare will likely include water, Gatorade, soda pop, cookies, gummies, chips, salted nut rolls and pickles. Other items may be available as well.
POST-RACE FOOD: Soup, make-your-own sandwiches, chips, cookies.
Finishers Prints
Each finisher in each event will get a full color print for the distance that they ran.
Refund Policy
Due to the costs involved in setting up and holding a race, which are incurred before race day, there are no refunds.
Entries may not be transferred to another runner, deferred to another year, nor applied to another event.
Thank you for your understanding.
New Auburn, WI Weather Forecast
New Auburn, Wisconsin Weather
Course Records
In 2021, Rachel Ragonia connects me via email asking about the course and type of shoes to wear. After my response, she tries trail running and some new shoes just one week before the event. At mile two, if you saw her, you know she was going to run fast, and fast she did. Breaking the long-time CR that has stood since 2012 by little over a minute. Rachel's time - 4:34:34

Interview with Rachel RagonaIn 2017, Chase Coffey from Altra Shoes ran with Adam Doe to the turnaround. Adam had hoped for a course record after running very strong the previous year. However, he took a tumble and twisted his knee around mile 13 and eventually was not able to finish. Chase hit the turnaround averaging 7:30's and then was left to himself to bring it in. And bring it in he did! He dropped the hammer on the return with negative splits of 6:30 per mile!
Chase Coffey Interview /MALE
Overall: Chase Coffey 3:37 - 2017
20 and younger: Eric Nordgren 3:56:49 – 2012
30 and over: Rasmus Hoeg 3:51:27 – 2012
40 and over: Brent Roeger 3:56:44 - 2016
50 and over: Jeff Miller 4:14:04 - 2015
60 and over: Stephen Clark 5:18:43 – 2021
70 and over: Sylan Addink 6:11:32 – 2011
Overall: Rachel Ragonia 4:34:34 – 2021
20 and younger: Christi Nowak 4:45:53 – 2011
30 and over: Helen Lavine 4:41:00 - 2015
40 and over: Christine Crawford 4:35:48 – 2012
50 and over: Shelly Groenke 5:09:56 - 2012
60 and over: Jeanne McCurnin 6:21
I Beat...Shirts
The first year that Frontrunner took over the event, I came up with the idea of a shirt that read "I beat Matt Long" on it, which was given to people who finished in front of him. The shirt was not mentioned to anyone until 5 minutes before the race start. The shirt introduction was "since I can not run today due to directing the race, I will not be able to beat my good friend Matt Long. I will then have to live vicariously through you guys. So, who ever finishes in front of Matt will receive one of these shirts." I had my fingers crossed that this would be meet with humor. It was. Matt was a fantastic sport that day. Since that day, a new shirt with a new name on it is shown 5 minutes before the race.

2022 Erika Lohn
2021 Laurel Sipe (Supe)
2020 cancelled
2019 Matt McCarty
2018 Jim Wilson
2017 Joe Boler
2016 Maria (Marie) Barton
2015 https://i.postimg.cc/NjjpMndf/I-beat-Lohn.jpgDoug Barton
2013 Chris Scotch
2012 Dan LaPlante
2011 Misty Swanson
2010 Shelly Thompson
2009 Matt Long
Event's current local time: 7:01 PM CT