What to Expect
You can be guaranteed of TARC's great volunteers, aid, course markings, and trail 'tude - we support everyone in the pack. In a first for TARC, there will be jacket-type award for all 100-mile and 100K finishers and exclusive TARC t-shirts for all participants. Additionally, every 100 mile finisher will also have the opportunity to purchase a commemorative shiny brass and silver belt buckle.
We'll see you in October!
Description, Participant's Guide, and Directions
Welcome to Massachusetts’ first 100 miler! Hosted by the Trail Animals Running Club in beautiful Westwood, MA on the Hale Reservation. About 20 minutes from downtown Boston, the race will be run on a 25 mile loop course: 99.9% trail, 2,500 acres of private reserve land, a cumulative vertical gain of 8,000 feet of climb and 8,000 feet of descent for a total elevation change of 16,000 feet, with aid every 5 – 6 miles. 100-mile start time is 6:00 am Saturday, with a 32 hour limit to complete the course. The 100K mile run will start at 10:00 am Saturday with a 28 hour limit. The 50-miler will begin at 2:00 PM Saturday with a 24 hour limit. The marathon will begin at 6:00 am on SUNDAY, with an 8 hour limit.
The full 2016 Participant's Guide is available here. This useful packet includes detailed course information, aid station guides, and the most recent course maps.
To reach the start/finish area, you will need to drive to Membership Beach at Hale Reservation. Here are directions, from Hale's website:
- From Route 128 take Route 109 towards Westwood – exit 16B.
- Follow Route 109 West to your fourth right onto Dover Road.
- Continue along Dover Road for about 1 mile.
- Turn right at Brune Way across from 576 Dover Rd. You will see a big green Membership Beach sign.
- If you go too far, you will reach Grossman Camp (and the road crossing area for the race).
Facebook Page
Go here to learn more about training runs, meet ups, course and event details, meet other runners, gear, tips, lies, etc.
You can also find the latest Runner Guide here, which has the most recent maps and race details.
Course GPX File
A GPX file for the most recent course is available here.
Camping Available!
We'll have Friday and Saturday night camping available right on the premises! There will be NO sign up for camping spots but instead taken on a first-come, first-serve basis until they are gone. We are not allowed to have open fires in the camping areas.
Unaccompanied Minors and Animals
Due to Town of Westwood and our insurance policy for the event, no pets are allowed on the course at any time. You can bring your dog to the start/finish area but it must be on leash the entire time (there is a strict leash law in Westwood).
Minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult guardian at the event at all times. This is an explicit requirement of our insurance policy and of course a common sense precaution given the nature, length and timing of the event (i.e. at night, up to 32 hours, in the woods, in a strange place). If they would like to help out at aid stations that's great, as long as there is an adult guardian with them.
The Buckle!
The buckle is a beaut! Custom designed nickle and bronze 10" belt buckles for all 100 mile finishers who cross the finish line under 32 hours are made by the forge over at Colorado Silver Star, who also are the makers of the Hardrock Hundred Endurance Run buckles. If you didn't already express an interest in buying one of these prized ultra-treasures when you registered ($55), send us an email and we'll reserve one for you (katzman.josh@gmail.com). It'll be waiting for you at the finish! There's a picture of the buckle at the top of this page. Schweet!!
Volunteers are the heart of TARC events - they wouldn't happen without your spirit, energy, and love for the runners. To pull of the TARC 100, we need a lot of them! Help us out for a few hours, or the whole time - we'll take whatever we can get, and the runners will love you for it!
Signup using the Volunteer Form.
Event's current local time: 10:36 AM ET