Course Description
The Sterling Furnace Half Marathon is a race in Sterling Forest State Park to raise funds for the park and Run Wild, Inc., a nonprofit of race directors which uses the proceeds from races and fundraising efforts to support land conservation in the Hudson Valley. The first part of the course showcases a fun, rolling, only mildly technical new, sustainably designed multiuse woodland trail loop. The first loop is roughly 15K, and the 15K runners will finish back where they started. The half marathon race finishes with a partial counterclockwise relatively flat loop of scenic Sterling Lake. There are aid stations at 4, 8.6 and 12 miles. The whole course is very runnable.
Sterling Forest State Park was established in 1998; the land was originally owned by the Sterling Iron Works, which mined and shipped iron ore from a number of sites within the park. Remnants of that era can still be seen on the course. Please consider obtaining sponsors for your run to raise additional funds for both the park, the NYNJ Trail Conference, which maintains the trails we run on, or Run Wild, Inc. A fundraiser page is available for download from our website.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You cannot park at the start of the race. Please visit the website for bus pickup information. You will be bused to the start from the pickup location in the commuter lot at the north end of Tuxedo train station, and bused back from the finish area.
An approximately 25% discount is available for veterans and first responders for either race. Please use the "veteran" category to register for the race if you qualify for the discount.
Event's current local time: 2:02 PM ET