Live Loud Running and YOU.
ONCE AGAIN WE ARE BACK AT THE BIG PAVILION! Join us in lovely Ansonia, Connecticut; staging the run from the Ansonia Nature Center! Counter-clockwise around 2-ish (1.9 haha) mile loops all within the Ansonia Nature Center on moderately technical singletrack at the peak of summer. It's much more runnable than you would want. Yep, it's going to be hot and humid and possibly insane sunshine. Or a shit ton of rain. There could be mountains of mud. You have what it takes? I highly doubt it, so come on out and prove me wrong. Oh yeah, there's about 170 feet of elevation gain per loop so it's not easy. Strava course map: Six Hour Loop
Ansonia Nature Center in Ansonia, CT. You better recognize.
Because it's there.
The second Saturday of June, 2025. Same day as Flag Day. Bring one from your family's country of origin and I'll set them up along the start/finish line.
Running. Should go without saying, but here we are: no crews, no pacers, no wimps, no whining, no refunds, no bandits, no jackassing, no douche-canoes, no attitudes. Just running. For six hours on trails with rad people.
Sign up by June 1st and you'll get a rad screen printed shirt and assorted swag articles, an award from Ragged Cuts, and clean porta-potties. And running, lots of running. Limited to 100 runners and no refunds, rollovers, deferrals or credits, so don't even ask.
Event's current local time: 5:29 AM ET