Friday, Oct 14, 2022 @ 7:00 PM
This Event Took Place Fri. Oct 14, 2022

Race Description

That's right! This is a 24 hour race on a 4 mile loop. Runners will start at 7 pm on October 14th and will have until 7 pm on October 15th to get as many miles as they can by repeating the same loop. Runners can run as fast or as slow as they need to, even take naps! We will have a base camp/start/finish with lots of treats and food to take care of all the runners. Some might see this as a daunting endeavor, but this is actually a beautiful course that will allow people to push their limits. On top of the cool jelly bracelet runners receive per lap, all participants will receive a finisher award who complete 26.3 miles or more. The top male and female runners with the most mileage completed will be dubbed THE ULTIMATE UNICORNS.

Gaia Course

Schedule of Events

3pm- Event Set Up.
4pm-5pm Athlete Check In
7pm- Both Races START!!
12:00 am- Typical aid station food provided as well as breakfast themed food will be served.
11 am- End of Breakfast themed food. Typical aid station food and Lunch themed food will be served.
4 pm- End of Lunch themed food. Dinner/Soup will be served for evening hours.
6:40pm- CUTOFF Runners must start their last loop. All runners who come in AFTER 6:40pm will not be allowed to continue on.
7pm- END OF RACE. Runners who come in after 7 pm will be deducted 1 mile from their total mileage for every 10 minutes past 7pm. This will be the official race mileage deduction regulation.

Base Camp/Support Crews/Rules

Base Camp- The location where runners begin their 24 hour journey. Each loop will bring runners back to base camp. There will be food, water, bathrooms, heaters (no fires), music, and personal drop bags for runners to have full access to. If runners anticipate sleeping during the 24 hours, participants must provide their own sleeping provisions.

Support crews may attend to their runner outside the pavilion area. PACERS- Athletes in the 24 hour challenge will be allowed ONE pacer. No pacers for the 12 hour race. If runners choose to end their race early, we will record the final mileage before the athlete officially withdraws from the race.

Drop bags are allowed and recommended. If athletes have special dietary needs, please reach out to We will try our best to provide a wide variety of food, supplements, etc but may not be able to meet some dietary needs.

1. Runners may not leave the course without notifying HAM Radio Operators or the director and must sign the voluntary withdrawal form. After the form has been signed, Team Davis is no longer responsible. If runners leave the course without notifying the proper race coordinators, a ban may be issued for future races and will cover search and rescue costs.
2. Partial laps will not be counted. All or nothing folks!
3. In the event that participants come to a tie for number of laps, we will look at the final lap and determine the winner based on least amount of time needed to complete the last lap.

Event's current local time: 8:19 PM MT


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