Saturday, Sep 9, 2023 @ 12:00 PM

GV Last Man Standing

Tom Collins drive

Shepparton, Australia GV Backyard Ultra

This Event Took Place Sat. Sep 9, 2023

The Course

What is the course like?
The majority of the course is now paved (bitumen and concrete), however there is a portion both at the lake and at the botanical gardens that is gravel. This is a very compacted surface with a combination of fine and course gravel topping. There should be no need for running shoes that are designed for very muddy/slippery surfaces, but they don’t hurt. (That what I use)

Will the course be marked?
Yes, there will be small markers placed on existing infrastructure at major turning points. These will be in the form of small laminated markers. They will NOT be illuminated at night. The course is very simple, and by the time it gets dark, you will know where you are going.

Is there any mandatory gear?
Yes. Weather in September can do anything, however we don’t see issues like freezing temperatures and snow (ever). So, rainproof clothing of some form is recommended, but will not be compulsory. The only compulsory item is a head torch.

On an alternative note, Backyard Ultra rules note that runners are not allowed aid on the course, which means that running poles are not only completely unnecessary here, but for the purposes of this event, they are illegal.

Can I have a pacer?
No. Backyard Ultra rules say that a runner cannot have any form of aid while out on course. A pacer is aid, and will therefore see you disqualified. Use the other runners as pacers, but non-competitors are not allowed to run with you for any distance. Note, however that the course is a public path, and we cannot stop other people running the track. It is up to the discretion of the race director to determine if this rule is being broken.

Event's current local time: 12:30 PM AET


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