Saturday, Oct 9, 2021 @ 8:00 AM
This Event Took Place Sat. Oct 9, 2021

Race Simply

We create our events, especially our courses, to give you a beautiful, challenging, fun experience, racing in Tooele County's Oquirrh Mountains!

Our prices are low. We don't give out gimmicky race entry bags full of clutter you'll never use. We don't hand out finisher's awards that will end up in a drawer somewhere. We don't play thumping music, announce finishers over a PA, or display flashy finish line arches.

The course is where it's at. Each year, we change up the course routes. Always with an eye for scenery and the challenge: what will the runner see as they're flying down steep single-track or as they crest a tough summit climb? Would it be more of a challenge to climb a mild dirt road or a rocky, technical ridgeline? Each of these distances will treat you to challenging trail/mountain conditions and beautiful views of the surrounding Oquirrh & Stansbury Mountain Ranges, as well as the Tooele Valley.

Our aid stations will be well-stocked, to keep you keeping on!
The vibe will be very low-key; but you'll face stiff competition, whichever distance you choose.

The top three men & women in each distance will receive a modest award.

We look forward to having you, and are excited to show off some off the great trails the Oquirrh's have to offer!

Settlement Canyon

Tooele County is home to beautiful Settlement Canyon, founded and settled by Mormon pioneers in late 1849. These scenic courses take place in Left Hand Fork of Settlement Canyon and will take the runner through forested singletrack, rugged dirt roads, exposed bench trails, and steep deserty ridgeline, all while enjoying stunning views of Tooele City, and the 9,000-10,000 ft+ peaks surrounding the canyon. Come enjoy the beauty and solitude of getting off the asphalt and onto the dirt!

The Courses

These courses will take you through beautiful wooded single-track; high, rugged ridge & bench trails; a little bit of double-track; and a touch of road. The highpoint of the course will be at about 7,200'.

The 10k loop will net you about 1,800 ft of vert; the 25k consists of running the 10k loop, plus another 9ish mile loop, netting you about 3,500 ft of vert; and the 50k route will be a double-dose of the 25k route, but run in reverse direction the second go-round, resulting in you tackling just over 7,000 ft of vert!

An Autumn Mountain Race

The 10k-ish course will consist of 71% single-track, 21% dirt road, 6% double-track, & 2% pavement.

The 25k & 50k courses will consist of 69% single-track, 23% dirt road, 9% double-track, & 1% pavement.

Be prepared for any type of weather: heat, fog, rain, snow, etc.!


This event is USATF-sanctioned.

Event's current local time: 8:36 AM MT


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