Early Bird Discounts in effect until 8/01/2025. Registration will close August 29th at 11:59pm.
Packet pickup will be on Saturday, August 30 from 4-6 pm at Gravity Sports in McCall.
Event Info
The run will consist of 3 distances, 30K, 14K and 5K. The 30k is the full race around Payette Lake. The 14K will begin near North Beach on Payette Lake and begin at 9:00am. The 5K will begin at 10:00am and start near Little Lake on Lick Creek Road.
All races will Start and Finish at Brown Park in Downtown McCall. Restrooms are provided on location.
Results will be posted within 48 hours of race completion.
Packet Pick-Up Info
Packet pickup is Saturday, August 30, 2024 from 4-6 pm at Gravity Sports.
Please Note: Gravity Sports has relocated to 200 Jacob St, McCall, ID.
Awards Info.
We will hold the award ceremony as close to 11:30am as possible. Top 3 Male and Female Overall Winners as well as Top 3 Male and Female of each age group will be awarded medals and recognized. Each runner will only be recognized once.
Age Groups are as follows:
- 10 years old and under
- 11-18 years old
- 19-35 years old
- 36-49 years old
- 50 years old and over
We will have beer and refreshments in the park for the post-race party, and we usually have some great raffle prizes as well.
Aid Stations
The stations will be staffed by our volunteers and local kids. There will be 8 aid stations available around the 30K, 3 aid stations along the 14K, and 1 station along the 5K course.
Event's current local time: 6:06 PM MT