Wednesday, Apr 26, 2023 @ 6:00 PM

P.A.C.E. Trail Running Clinic


KELOWNA, BC Spring/Summer Trail Running Clinic

This Event Took Place Wed. Apr 26, 2023

April 26th to August 23rd

Our Spring/Summer clinic training formate builds off the winter programming. Therefore, the baseline to start this clinic is already at 3 to 5hrs.

There are two training categories that runners can choose from: 25k or 50k. Each come with a variety of different training plans to follow. These training plans will prepare runners for a variety of PACE events such as R135, R70, Broken Goat & Wandering Moose. Although our clinics will also provide the performance modules to allow you to adapt the tools to your own personal goals.

Wednesday & Sunday group workouts follow periodized training plans, written by professional running coach, Rene Unser.

Wednesday sessions break the workouts down into 25k & 50k training options, although Rene works very closely with her athletes and adapts based on their needs as the clinic unfolds. Athletes can expect intervals, fartleks, time trials, terrain management, tempo training, vertical challenges and more.

Sunday workouts are endurance based and include a mix of adventure style, leader-lead, solo runs, vertical challenges and enduro style workouts. Our leader lead runs break runners into smaller groups that are pre-assigned by Coach R, based on your experience, fitness & skill level and the information provided on your registration form. As your fitness and/or skills progress, you may request to bump up a group. The last Sunday run of this clinic is on June 18th and then the clinic switches to Wednesday sessions only for the remainder of summer.

Building off the winter clinic, participants of this clinic must meet the minimum prerequisites:
25km - Running minimum 3x's per week with a long run base of 3hrs or more.
50km - Running minimum 3x's per week with a long run base of 4.5hrs or more.

Performance Trail Running Clinic

Our run clinics help inspire, motivate and educate our community, through a welcoming & inclusive environment that encourages runners to reach their goals. You'll improve your speed, strength, stamina and endurance and learn more about training, racing, recovery, nutrition and more.

We will have different groups assigned to run leaders that will lead you through different long runs on specific Sundays. Wednesdays offer a variety of speed, strength and stamina workouts that are lead by professional running coach Rene Unser.

Our clinics are more than just a place to run. They are where friendships turn into family and together our community supports one another to reach goals, maximize potential and have fun.

The group meets at different locations every Wednesday and Sunday and participants will have access to the calendar, training plans, online performance centre and private Facebook group one week prior to the start of the clinic.

Event's current local time: 5:36 PM PT

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