70 Races
21 Trophies
Chester Park Trail Race - 6hrs - Duluth, MN
Run the Rut - 50K - Big Sky, MT
Hixon 50k - 50K - La Crosse, WI
Surf the Murph - 50K - Savage, MN
Dances with Dirt - Devil's Lake - 50K - Merrimac, WI
North Face Endurance Challenge - Madison - 50 Miler - Eagle, WI
The Bighorn Mountain Wild and Scenic Trail Run - 50 Miler - Dayton, WY
Ice Age Trail - 50 Miler - La Grange, WI
Ice Age Trail - 50 Miler - La Grange, WI
Trail Mix - 50K - Rockford, MN
Leadville Trail - 100 Miler - Leadville, CO
Ice Age Trail - 50 Miler - La Grange, WI
Trail Mix - 50K - Rockford, MN
Edmund Fitzgerald - 100K - Duluth, MN
Ouachita Trail - 50 Miler - Little Rock, AR
Glacial Trail - 50 Miler - Greenbush, WI
Ice Age Trail - 50 Miler - La Grange, WI
Trail Mix - 50K - Rockford, MN
Ice Age Trail - 50 Miler - La Grange, WI
Trail Mix - 50K - Rockford, MN
Ice Age Trail - 50 Miler - La Grange, WI