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Saturday, Nov 13, 2010

Mother Road

Arcadia, OK 100 Miler

This Event Took Place Sat. Nov 13, 2010


The course is mostly a state highway. most of it is paved. there is a lot of variation of the shoulder, sometimes it is dirt, sometimes it is grass, sometimes narrow, sometimes it is not there at all. there is about 5 miles of dirt road after the tatur aid station (between miles 72 and 78.) this part will be marked with bright surveyors tape tied to large metal washers dropped on the road. we got this idea from a race in kansas and it works great!

the rest of the course will be well marked with white chalk paint in both the mark below and large arrows at turns. additionally, there will be some upright signs to help the crews follow the course.

Event's current local time: 12:31 PM CT
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