Saturday, Aug 27, 2022

Baker Trail UltraChallenge

Godfrey, PA 5 Per Relay, 50M Womens, 50 Miler South Section

This Event Took Place Sat. Aug 27, 2022


The Baker Trail UltraChallenge is a 50-mile ultramarathon on the Baker Trail. The race starts at 6:30 AM; the deadline for finishing is fourteen hours later, 8:30 PM. Individuals as well as relay teams of up to 5 members may register. In 2024 we covered the Central section. This year, we'll run the Southern section. Each year, a piece of a unique three-piece medal will be awarded to all individuals who finish within the fourteen hour cutoff. When you complete all three sections, you'll receive a handsome commemorative holder to display all three medals. You can run the series in any order -- once you've run all three, you'll receive the medal holder.

The Baker Trail

The 134-mile Baker Trail is marked as a typical hiking trail. Yellow blazes on trees, telephone poles, fence posts, guard rails, and so on indicate the path. Unlike many hiking trails, the Baker Trail is not always a footpath through the woods. In many areas, it follows dirt or paved country roads, some with narrow shoulders. As with road running everywhere, you must always be alert and cautious.

Because of the varying terrain, the UltraChallenge is more mentally demanding than similar ultras. You must always be watching for the blazes in order to stay on the course. In places, the Trail will be following a road only to abruptly turn off the road into the woods. Therefore, if you haven't seen a blaze in a few minutes, you may be off course and should backtrack to the last blaze and determine where you went wrong. Plenty of runners will go off-course at least once during the day. If you expect -- and accept -- that you will, too, it won't be quite as frustrating. The key to a successful race is to realize it quickly. Attending any or all of the three training runs (see section below) is a great strategy for learning the course prior to the race.

The Venue

The iconic farmhouse, located in Smicksburg, PA, will serve as basecamp for the event, with the following activities taking place there:

1. Participant check-in
2. Pre-race dinner
3. Camping (porta-johns on site)
4. Shuttle service to the start line
5. Drop-bag collection
6. Parking for individuals arriving race morning
7. Race finish line
8. Post-race picnic

Participant check-in is mandatory and we offer two options:

1. Friday evening between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. at the farm.
2. Race morning, between 3:45 a.m. and 4:45 a.m. at the farm

Yes, you may have friends or family check in for you and retrieve your packet and chip. This option is useful for relay teams, with one person retrieving packets for the entire team.
Our website will be updated to include all the aid station locations and course details in the near future! A link to the website will be housed here.

The Course

Last year, we traversed the Central section of the 134-mile Baker Trail. In 2025, we cover the Southern section, with a scenic, point-to-point, 50-mile course that begins in Godfrey, PA, and ends at the farm in Smicksburg, PA. With 7,800 feet of climbing, runners will enjoy a mix of single-track trail, dirt roads, rail trail and paved roads that wind through Amish farmland. Check out our website to see a detailed breakdown of aid station locations and other important information.


Historically, the Baker Ultra has averaged a participation ratio of 80% men and 20% women, which is the case of most 50-milers. In recent years, we've made a concerted effort to listen to female runners and learn about the barriers they face. We have gone on to adjust our procedures and marketing strategies to better align with the needs and interests of women. These efforts have paid off. The 2023 Baker Ultra 50-miler was comprised of 52% women, an exceptionally rare metric for a race of this distance.
The following policies remain in place for the 2025 event:
1. Gender equity: 50% of the spots are reserved for women, 50% are reserved for men.
2. Transgender and nonbinary guidelines: we see you, we hear you. Join us!
3. Pregnancy and Adoption deferrals: it's about time!
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Guidelines remain in place for 2025 on onwards. The guidelines can be found here.

Training Runs

For the fourth year in a row, we are offering training runs, free and open to the public. These guided group runs provide an opportunity to acclimate to the race course and fine-tune nutrition and hydration strategies. There will be three runs, all taking place in July, covering every inch of the 50-mile course. Dates and details will be published in the early spring.

Event's current local time: 12:24 AM ET


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