Welcome to the Dark Side!
As spring is officially just around the corner, the annual Dark Side 8 Hour Ultra is a timed event to get you back out on the trails in search of warmer weather. This eight-hour event explores the beautiful and gentle trails of Little Bennett Park in Montgomery County MD. The 5.5 mile loop starts at the Little Bennett campground and will be primarily run on single track trails. Run 1 lap or many! The park is a local trail running favorite and we are genuinely excited to share it with you.
Race Information
The race will again start at the Little Bennett Campground Pavilion at 8:00 am and will conclude at 4 pm. We will be using the 2023 course. Please let us know if you have any questions about the course.
The first rate aid station will have water, hydration options and ultra food (potatoes, broth, bacon, French toast sticks, etc - the muffins were a favorite!). A post meal of veggie chili and Elaine's famous taco bar will again be available.
Event's current local time: 4:45 PM ET