Saturday, Apr 27, 2024

Childish Nonsense

W Dundee Rd.

Palatine, IL 50 Miler, 50K, 25K, 10K

This Event Took Place Sat. Apr 27, 2024

Email Details

Race Overview

Start:7 am
When: Saturday , April 27th, 2024
Where: Deer Grove Forest Preserve west

Most of the trail is a wide path, with nothing too technical to worry about.

7am - 50 Mile start time
7am 25k/50k start time
8am 10k start time

10k Runners will do one lap plus some extra .
25k Runners will do 3 laps.

50k Runners will do 6 laps
50 milers will do 9 laps.

There will be one aid station at the Start/Finish, which you'll see every 5.5 miles. There are no other areas on the course where your own crew can set up, but they can set up at the start/finish.

50 milers can have a pacer after 4 loops.
Cutoff time for all distances is 8pm
There will be shenanigans occurring throughout the day to help us all awaken our inner child.

CUSS Running

Curious Ultrarunner's Secret Society was established to inject a sense of whimsy into training calendars, split times, and fartleks. Our goal is to build a community that creates a space for the individual to fall in love with the magic of running.


To help others fall in love with ultrarunning.


To make you & the world slightly better through laughter & pain.

BIPOC & LGBTQ+ Entries

One of the things we strive for is to create inclusion and equality in the running
community. As much as we want to say that all you need to run is a pair of
shoes, we know the reality is much more complex.
To create intentional space for people, we have a number of free entries for our
races that we would like to extend to BIPOC and LGBTQ+
athletes. We would like to emphasize that these are not need based or
scholarships. These entries are an affirmation of belonging in our community. We
are not in any way publicly advertising who accepts an entry, and you do not
have to be an out member of the LGBTQ+ community to receive one. We are not
questioning or asking for additional information from anyone who asks for a code,
they will be handed out as long as we have funding to do so.
If you would like a code, please email us at . We
have earmarked funds for both BIPOC and LGBTQ+. Please feel free to share this offer with friends.

Entrance Policy for Transgender Athletes

We will accept each entrant’s declared gender at face value, and no additional supporting
evidence is required. Athletes may register as the gender they identify with.

Entrance Policy for Non-Binary Athletes

People whose gender is not male or female; including but not limited to: genderqueer, agender, bigender. We want to acknowledge, respect, and provide opportunity in the registration process to express their desired pronouns. Please email after registration and we will amend our records as Ultrasignup does not currently have that option.

Event's current local time: 2:34 AM CT


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