Sunday, Nov 3, 2024 @ 7:00 AM
This Event Took Place Sun. Nov 3, 2024

2025 Race

2025 Date is Sunday November 2nd
Registration OPENS ON FEBURARY 2nd!

Training Runs

We will hold 2 training runs in the fall of 2025. We will meet at the FINISH LINE at 8am. Dates will be determined before the end of July, 2025

We'll run on the red trail, anywhere between 1-15 miles.

Race Recap

Thanks to Derek Clark for this descriptive race recap. Check it out!


New for the 2025 running season! Runners who participate in 4 out of the 6 2Lowe Run Co events will earn Distinguished Participant status and earn a special award! Participants may take on at least ONE race from each of the events

Tiki Trot events (5k, beer mile or Tiki-tizer mile)
The More Miles Last One Standing Challenge (either 1 mile or 4.167 mile backyard)
44th Annual Gary Brown Memorial 5 mile
Lock 2 Lock (Choose between 26.2, 13.1, 6.2)
The Final Countdown - Tribute
Fire on the Mountain (25K or 50K)

Some Race Information:

Race website:

*Please visit our website for full event details


Facebook Pages:
Potomac Highlands Distance Club
Fire on the Mountain 50K&25K

* 50K – Distance of the race is about 31.95 miles. Seven aid stations on this out-and-back course (three are hit twice, plus the “oasis” at the midway point. Runners must complete the course as assigned in 10 hours and 0 seconds or less to be considered an official finisher.

25K – Distance is about 16.3 miles. Three aid stations (one is hit twice). Cutoff time is 4 hours and 45 minutes. The course includes approximately 6.5 miles of trail (sometimes technical), with ups and downs, roots, rocks and sometimes “billy goat” trails (thin track and slightly cantered towards the creek a couple hundred feet below), plus 9.6 miles of a mix of forest service road and improved dirt roads.

* No refunds, no deferments (military or pregnancy related exceptions may apply), no transfers.

* All finishers under the official cutoff time for each event (10 hours 0 seconds for 50K, and 4.5 hours for 25K) will receive a finisher’s premium. Take pride - you earned it. It is unlikely a runner will negative-split this course, especially if it takes that runner 5 hours to reach the 50K midway point or more than 2.5 hours to reach Aid Station 2 for the 25K.

* We need volunteers for this event to fuel runners at 4 aid stations (7 total, but 3 are hit twice). If interested in helping – or having your school/civic club group help – please send an email to .

* Race begins at 7 a.m. on Sunday, November 2, 2025. Please note: Daylight Savings Time ends at 2 a.m. on Sunday, November 2. This means you should set your clocks back 1 hour before going to bed on Saturday, November 1st. Failure to do so will have you arriving very, very early to the race site.

*As in the case with the first 14 years of the race, there will be a series of semi-organized (and self-supported) training runs to familiarize runners with different portions of the race course. The series of scheduled training runs will be staged in September and October.

Event's current local time: 9:17 PM ET


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